Magnus Sommar (Bishop)

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Magnus Sommar (also Magnus Olofsson Sommar ; * around 1480 in the diocese of Strängnäs ; † 1543 in the monastery of Krokek ) was a Swedish Catholic theologian and bishop of Strängnäs .


Magnus Olofsson Sommar came from the diocese of Strängnäs in Sweden. Little is known about his early years. He left his first traces through his enrollment at the University of Rostock on July 28, 1500. There he enjoyed a thorough humanistic education, which he acquired in the winter of 1504 when he acquired the. art. completed.

Returning to his Swedish homeland, Sommar held the office of Chancellor of Bishop Mattias von Strängnäs (1501–1520) from 1508 . Over the years Sommar rose in the church hierarchy and in 1516 became Provost of Strängnäs. Another six years later, in 1522, he was elected bishop of Strängnäs at the request of King Gustav I. Wasa and consecrated bishop by Bishop Petrus Magni on January 6, 1528, without confirmation from the Pope . Despite the lack of papal confirmation, Sommar is considered the last Catholic bishop of Strängnäs.

However, Sommar was skeptical and even negative about Gustav I. Wasa's plans for the church reformation and the creation of a Swedish national church with the king as religious head. At the Diet of Västerås in 1527, however, he agreed to make financial concessions. So he offered to renounce the Tynnelsö bishop's castle , which the king subsequently took possession of. In this way, Sommar could continue to claim the king's trust and retain his episcopate.

In 1536, however, Sommar was arrested on suspicion of joining the anti-royal opposition. Sommar lost his episcopate and was imprisoned for eight months.

After his release, Sommar spent the last years of his life under house arrest in the former Franciscan monastery in Krokek, where he died in 1543.

Individual evidence

  1. See the entry of Magnus Sommar's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. See the entry of Magnus Sommar's master's degree in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. See also the entry of the doctorate on Magnus Sommar's bachelor's degree in the Rostock matriculation portal


  • Biographiskt lexicon öfver namnkunnige svenske men. - Ny rev. upplaga. Stockholm [et al.]: Beijer [et al.], 1835-1875. - Vol. 1-23

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Jens Andersen Beldenak Bishop of Strängnäs
Botuidis Sunonis