Makhlouf Eldaoudi

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Rabbi Makhlouf Eldaoudi

Makhlouf Eldaoudi (* 1825 in Marrakech , Morocco , † 1909 in Safed ; Hebrew מכלוף אלדאודי) was the Hahambaşı , the Turkish Grand Rabbi, of the Jewish community of Akkon , Haifa , Safed and Tiberias (1889-1909).


Born in Marrakech, his family immigrated to Palestine . His father David was descended from the poet Hiyya al-Daudi and belonged to the Jewish elite. Eldaoudi became a rabbi during his youth. As an official rabbi, he traveled to many countries, especially since he also spoke several languages. He wrote three religious works, which, however, were not published.

In 1889 he was made Hahambaşı by the authorities with the permission of the Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid II. During this time as Hahambaşı, he persisted in trying to win back to the Jewish faith Jews who had tried to convert to another religion. In retrospect, his son Selim (Salim) recounted all the unknown episodes in which his father had participated from his memory.

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