Makio Akiyama

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List of discovered asteroids : 16
(5333) Kanaya October 18, 1990 [1]
(5334) Mishima February 8, 1991 [1]
(5743) Kato October 19, 1990 [1]
(6251) Setsuko February 25, 1992 [1]
(6419) Susono 7th December 1993 [1]
(6792) Akiyamatakashi November 30, 1991 [1]
(6961) Ashitaka May 26, 1989 [1]
(7472) Kumakiri February 13, 1992 [1]
(8273) Apatheia November 29, 1989 [1]
(9033) Kawane 4th January 1990 [1]
(28004) Terakawa 2nd December 1997
(29624) Sugiyama October 2, 1998
(35441) Kyoko January 31, 1998
(40994) Tekaridake October 20, 1999
(53157) Akaishidake February 5, 1999
(55873) Shiomidake October 26, 1997

Makio Akiyama ( Japanese 秋山 万 喜 夫 , Akiyama Makio ; * 1950 ) is a Japanese astronomer .

He is a distinguished asteroid discoverer who to date (January 2010) has discovered 16 asteroids, 10 of them together with Toshimasa Furuta .

He is married to Setsuko Akiyama (* 1953) after whom he named the asteroid (6251) Setsuko .

The asteroid (4904) Makio was named after him.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Minor Planet Discoverers