Painter of Eleusis 767

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The painter of Eleusis 767 was a vase painter of the Attic black-figure style.

The painter of Eleusis 767 is considered a spirited, but also old-fashioned and provincial painter of the early Attic black-figure vase painting. Two of his works were found in Eleusis . Among other things, he painted long-necked amphorae , which may have been used in the rite. His name vase Inv., Found in Eleusis, belonged to these vessels . 767, which gave him his emergency name .


  • Athens, agora
P 2034 Fragment of a footless bowl
  • Eleusis, museum
767 Neck amphora
846 Fragment of a Skyphos crater
  • New Jersey, private collection
Two fragments of stands


  • John D. Beazley : Attic Black-figure Vase-painters . Oxford 1956, p. 21.
  • John D. Beazley: Paralipomena. Additions to Attic black-figure vase-painters and to Attic red-figure vase-painters. Oxford 1971, p. 13.
  • John D. Beazley: The Development of Attic Black-figure. Rev. ed. Berkeley 1986
  • John Boardman : Black-Figure Vases from Athens. A handbook (= cultural history of the ancient world . Vol. 1). 4th edition. Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 1994, ISBN 3-8053-0233-9 , p. 21.