Manchurian script

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“Manchu” in Manchurian script

The Manchurian script is an adaptation of the Mongolian script for the language of the Manchu , a Tungusian language .


Manchu chinese.jpg
Yonghe Gong sign.jpg
Chengde summer palace writings.jpg
Manchurian script (right) next to the Chinese script in the Forbidden City Mongolian, Tibetan, Chinese and Manchurian script (far right), in the Lama Temple in Beijing Manchurian script (far right) in the Chengde Summer Palace

Writing direction

The Manchurian script, like the Mongolian script and traditional Chinese script, is written from top to bottom. The lines follow from left to right.


During the Qing Dynasty, the Manchurian script was the official script of the Chinese Empire alongside the Chinese script. Inscriptions in Manchurian can still be found in the Forbidden City today .

According to Manchurian tradition (ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ ᡳ
manju-i yargiyan kooli , Chinese : 滿洲 實錄 Mǎnzhōu Shílù) the Manchu leader Nurhaci decided in 1599 to adapt the Mongolian script for the language of the Manchu people. He regretted that uneducated Chinese or Mongols could understand their own language when it was read to them, whereas the Manchus, whose documents were recorded by Mongolian scribes, could not. The resulting script was called tongki fuka akū hergen ("script without points and circles").

It was not until 1632 that Dahai added diacritical marks to remove the many ambiguities in the Mongolian script.


character Transcription Unicode Remarks
isolated Beginning center The End
ᠠ᠊ ᠊ᠠ᠊ ᠊ᠠ a 1820
ᡝ᠊ ᠊ᡝ᠊ ᠊ᡝ e 185D
ᡳ᠊ ᠊ᡳ᠊ ᠊ᡳ i 1873
᠊ᡳ᠍᠊ ᠊ᡳ᠋
ᠣ᠊ ᠊ᠣ᠊ ᠊ᠣ O 1823
ᡠ᠊ ᠊ᡠ᠊ ᠊ᡠ u 1860
ᡡ᠊ ᠊ᡡ᠊ ᠊ᡡ ū / uu / v 1861
( Mongol y1 head.jpg) ᠊ᡟ᠊ ᠊ᡟ y / y / i ' 185F
ᠨ᠊ ᠊ᠨ᠋᠊ ᠊ᠨ n 1828
{{{1}}} ᠊ᠩ᠊ ᠊ᠩ ng 1829
ᡴ᠊ ᠊ᡴ᠊ ᠊ᡴ k [q] 1874
{{{1}}}( Mongol k head.jpg) ᠊ᡴ᠌᠊ ᠊ᡴ᠋ k [k] 1874
ᡤ᠊ ᠊ᡤ᠊ g [ɢ] 1864
{{{1}}} {{{1}}} {{{1}}} g [g] 1864
ᡥ᠊ ᠊ᡥ᠊ {{{1}}} h [χ] 1865
{{{1}}} {{{1}}} {{{1}}} h [x] 1865
ᠪ᠊ ᠊ᠪ᠊ ᠊ᠪ b 182A
ᡦ᠊ ᠊ᡦ᠊ {{{1}}} p 1866
ᠰ᠊ ᠊ᠰ᠊ ᠊ᠰ s 1867
ᡧ᠊ ᠊ᡧ᠊ ᠊ᡧ š 1867
ᡨ᠋᠊ ᠊ᡨ᠋᠊ ᠊ᡨ t 1868
ᡨ᠍᠊ ᠊ᡨ᠍᠊
ᡩ᠊ ᠊ᡩ᠊ {{{1}}} d 1869
ᡩ᠋᠊ ᠊ᡩ᠋᠊
ᠯ᠊ ᠊ᠯ᠊ ᠊ᠯ l 182F
ᠮ᠊ ᠊ᠮ᠊ ᠊ᠮ m 182E
ᠴ᠊ ᠊ᠴ᠊ {{{1}}} c / ch / c 1834
ᠵ᠊ ᠊ᠵ᠊ {{{1}}} y / zh / j 1835
ᠶ᠊ ᠊ᠶ᠊ {{{1}}} y 1836
ᡵ᠊ ᠊ᡵ᠊ ᠊ᡵ r 1875
ᡶ᠊ ᠊ᡶ᠊ {{{1}}} f 1876
ᡶ᠋᠊ ᠊ᡶ᠋᠊
ᠸ᠊ ᠊ᠸ᠊ v (w) 1838
ᠺ᠊ ᠊ᠺ᠊ {{{1}}} k '/ kk / k῾ / k' 183A
ᡬ᠊ ᠊ᡬ᠊ {{{1}}} g '/ gg / ǵ / g' 186C
ᡭ᠊ ᠊ᡭ᠊ {{{1}}} h '/ hh / h́ / h' 186D
ᡮ᠊ ᠊ᡮ᠊ {{{1}}} ts' / c / ts῾ / c 186E
ᡯ᠊ ᠊ᡯ᠊ {{{1}}} dz / z / dz / z 186F
ᡰ᠊ ᠊ᡰ᠊ {{{1}}} ž / rr / ž / r ' 1870
ᡱ᠊ ᠊ᡱ᠊ {{{1}}} c '/ ch / c῾ / c' 1871
ᡷ᠊ ᠊ᡷ᠊ {{{1}}} j / zh / j̊ / j ' 1877


The Manchurian script has 131 syllables :

a e i O u ū ᠨᠠ n / A ᠨᡝ no ᠨᡳ ni ᠨᠣ no ᠨᡠ nu ᠨᡡ
ᡴᠠ ka ᡤᠠ ga ᡥᠠ Ha ᡴᠣ ko ᡤᠣ go ᡥᠣ ho ᡴᡡ ᡤᡡ ᡥᡡ hu
ᠪᠠ ba ᠪᡝ be ᠪᡳ bi ᠪᠣ bo ᠪᡠ bu ᠪᡡ ᡦᠠ pa ᡦᡝ pe ᡦᡳ pi ᡦᠣ po ᡦᡠ pu ᡦᡡ
ᠰᠠ sa ᠰᡝ se ᠰᡳ si ᠰᠣ so ᠰᡠ see below ᠰᡡ ᡧᠠ ūa ᡧᡝ še ᡧᡳ ši ᡧᠣ so ᡧᡠ šu ᡧᡡ šū
ᡨᠠ ta ᡩᠠ there ᡨᡝ te ᡩᡝ de ᡨᡳ ti ᡩᡳ di ᡨᠣ to ᡩᠣ do ᡨᡠ do ᡩᡠ you
ᠯᠠ la ᠯᡝ le ᠯᡳ left ᠯᠣ lo ᠯᡠ lu ᠯᡡ ᠮᠠ ma ᠮᡝ me ᠮᡳ mi ᠮᠣ mo ᠮᡠ must ᠮᡡ
ᠴᠠ approx ᠴᡝ ce ᠴᡳ ci ᠴᠣ co ᠴᡠ cu ᠴᡡ ᠵᠠ Yes ᠵᡝ ever ᠵᡳ ji ᠵᠣ jo ᠵᡠ ju ᠵᡡ
ᠶᠠ ya ᠶᡝ ye ᠶᠣ yo ᠶᡠ yu ᠶᡡ ᡴᡝ ke ᡤᡝ ge ᡥᡝ hey ᡴᡳ ki ᡤᡳ gi ᡥᡳ Hi ᡴᡠ ku ᡤᡠ gu ᡥᡠ hu
ᠺᠠ k'a ᡬᠠ g'a ᡭᠠ Ha ᠺᠣ k'o ᡬᠣ g'o ᡭᠣ h'o ᡵᠠ ra ᡵᡝ re ᡵᡳ ri ᡵᠣ ro ᡵᡠ ru ᡵᡡ
ᡶᠠ fa ᡶᡝ fe ᡶᡳ fi ᡶᠣ fo ᡶᡠ fu ᡶᡡ ᠸᠠ wa ᠸᡝ we
ᡮᠠ ts'a ᡮᡝ ts'e ᡮᡟ ts ᡮᠣ ts'o ᡮᡠ ts'u ᡯᠠ dza ᡯᡝ dze ᡯᡳ dzi ᡯᠣ dzo ᡯᡠ dzu
ᡰᠠ ža ᡰᡝ že ᡰᡳ ži ᡰᠣ žo ᡰᡠ to ᠰᡟ sy ᡱᡳ c'y ᡷᡳ jy


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