Manfred Dimde

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Manfred Dimde (* 1941 ) is a German publicist and Nostradamus researcher . In addition to his work in the pharmaceutical industry , Manfred Dimde dealt with the writings of Nostradamus . After the first publications in the 80s, he continued the publications in the annual Nostradamus yearbook. According to his own statements, he relies on decoding methods used in secret societies for his decryption. As Volker Guiard showed, he does not give sources for his methods, nor does he derive these methods in an understandable way; in addition, the arbitrariness of the method is so great that “meaningful” results can always be achieved. Since, according to Dimde, Nostradamus was also a Templar and Pope of the Cathars , he also published on Grail research . All in all, he aims very much in the religious direction in his interpretations; in addition, he often joins current geopolitical and military strategic considerations in the USA.

Furthermore, he turned to the "decoding" of literary and musical works in the 1990s. Goethe's Faust is woven into background music with a complicated code. The music reconstructed by Dimde is of course in the same contradiction to the announced "strange magic" as the Recklinghausen Youth Symphony Orchestra, which recorded the enclosed CD, to the "renowned symphony orchestra" promised in the blurb.

In 2002 he founded the Institute for Gregorian Chant Research together with the musicologist Sebnem Yavuz. According to their theses, the chants previously known as “ Gregorian ” can in fact be traced back to Boethius , who also designed the Hagia Sophia as the ideal location for his chants. Despite attempts by the Catholic Church to suppress these chants, Charlemagne managed to tear at least part of these chants from oblivion. These chants have also already worked with overtone singing .


  • Nostradamus deciphered , Philosopher's Stone, Bergen ad Dumme 1987.
  • The prophecies of Nostradamus - newly deciphered , Goldmann Verlag , Munich 1991, ISBN 3-442-12166-3 .
  • The prophecies of Nostradamus at the turn of the millennium - Revelations of a new age , Goldmann Verlag, Munich 1993.
  • Nostradamus - The apocalyptic decade, What awaits us between 1994 and 2004 , Munich 1993, Heyne Verlag , ISBN 3-453-06513-1 .
  • Nostradamus total , Bettendorf, Essen and Munich 1994 (Revised paperback edition: Heyne, Munich 1996).
  • The Nostradamus Yearbook 1995 , Heyne, Munich 1994.
  • Goethe's secret legacy. The messages in "Faust" decrypted , Bettendorf, Essen, 1995.
  • The Grail Conspiracy. Secret documents of the Templars , Falk, Munich.
  • The Johannes Conspiracy. The battle for the followers of Jesus , Munich 1998, Knaur Taschenbuch Verlag , ISBN 3-426-27104-4 .
  • Writings on Gregorian Chant Research 1, Verlag der Gesellschaft für Gregorianik Research, Cologne, 2002.
  • Apocalypse 2011 - The Vision of Nostradamus , Munich December 2006, Knaur Taschenbuch Verlag , ISBN 978-3-426-77899-9 , ISBN 3-426-77899-8 .
  • Nostradamus 2010 - The Keys to the Future, The Current Prophecies, Your Nostradamus Horoscope , September 2009, Knaur Taschenbuch Verlag, ISBN 3-426-78252-9 .


  • V. Guiard: “The strange world of Nostradamus-Deuter Manfred Dimde”, in: Endzeittaumel , ed. v. M. Shermer, B. Maidhof-Christig and L. Traynor, Alibri-Verlag, Aschaffenburg, 1998.
  • S. Rink: Keyword Nostradamus , Heyne, Munich, 1994.
  • W. v. Rohr: Nostradamus, seer and astrologer , Ariston Verlag, Geneva and Munich, 1994.

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