Manfred Günther (business IT specialist)

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Manfred Günther (* 1943 in Rosenberg ) is a retired German professor for databases at the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences .


Manfred Gunther graduated from the Technical University of Merseburg in 1967 with a degree in engineering and economics. Until 1975 he worked there as a senior scientific assistant in IT application areas and in PL / 1 programming . He completed an additional 6-month course at the Lomonossow University in Moscow from 1971 to 1972. In 1973 Günther received his doctorate. rer. oec.

From 1975 to 1978 he was head of IT project planning in the organization and computer center of the Bitterfeld Chemicals Combine . Then he went to the TH Merseburg ( data processing ) and in 1981 switched to the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg , specializing in data processing in business. The PhD B , 1989 was carried out with a thesis on the use of databases in company personnel information systems.

After an internship at the University of Hamburg , Günther was appointed lecturer for business informatics at the University of Halle in 1990 .


In 1996 Manfred Günther switched to industry and was a software developer at Dogro-Partner Profiskal , responsible for software use in countries and large municipalities.

From 1997 to 2008 he was professor for databases at the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences in Brandenburg an der Havel with subjects such as problems of relational databases, SQL, data modeling, database design, database redesign, tuning and administration of databases, client-server technology in database systems, database replication , Use of object-oriented databases, Internet access to relational databases, and use of database application servers.


  • Databases as the basis of labor information systems in companies and combines 1989

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