Manfred Schlapp

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Manfred Schlapp, 2014 (Photo: Michael Kirchler)

Manfred Schlapp (born August 30, 1943 in Innsbruck ) is an Austrian philosopher , publicist and filmmaker .


The post-war period was formative for Manfred Schlapp: his father Josef Schlapp went missing in Russia and his grandfather Josef Schlapp perished near Lemberg in Galicia. The other grandfather Ludwig Steiner did not survive the concentration camp in Dachau as a political prisoner. Manfred Schlapp graduated from the Humanistic Gymnasium Angerzellgasse in Innsbruck and studied philosophy, psychology and classical philology at the University of Innsbruck. After graduating in 1967, he came to the Collegium Marianum in Liechtenstein, where he taught philosophy and Latin until 2005. From 1994 to 2012 he taught philosophy and ethics at the University of Liechtenstein and from 2000 to 2003 philosophy at the then University of Human Sciences in Triesen.

Since his studies, Manfred Schlapp has been active in literature and journalism in the print media as well as in radio and television. At the age of 30 he was accepted into the International PEN Club, and in April 1978 he founded the PEN Club Liechtenstein with 20 authors and publishers, of which he has been Honorary President since 2012. During his active time he organized four symposia, among other things: "Human guinea pig - The ethical limits of medical and biological research" (ORF Studio Dornbirn 1987), The betrayed conscience - Our actions against better knowledge (ORF Studio Dornbirn 1989), ways out hatred - THE European task (Theater am Kirchplatz in Schaan 1994) and Austria from the outside - Millennium Austriacum (Theater am Kirchplatz in Schaan 1996).
Since 1978 he has been editing ZIFFERBLATT, the literary series of the PEN Club Liechtenstein . In 1997, Manfred Schlapp was awarded the “Josef Gabriel von Rheinberger Culture Prize” for his publications and TV documentaries about his adopted home, Liechtenstein. In 2018 he received the honorary gift "The Groundhog" from IG Wort.

Manfred Schlapp has been involved with the Arabic language and culture since he was a young boy. Over the years he has toured all Arab countries. In 2006 and 2007 he studied Koran-Arabic in Paris and a year later in Berlin. He then held the six semester series of lectures, A Peripatetic Aesthetics of the Muslim World, at the Karlsruhe University of Design . This series of lectures formed the foundation on which his book Islam is called not Salam , published in 2015, is based.

Main publications

  • The call of the muezzin beckons. Europe on the Way of the Cross. Münster Verlag Basel, 2018, ISBN 978-3-905896-90-9
  • Valentin Landmann and the tank crackers . From one who set out to learn not to fear. Offizin Verlag Zürich, 2017, ISBN 978-3-906276-55-7 .
  • Mea culpa, mea culpa. When unreasonable demands become a burden. Reflections on contemporary history . Offizin Verlag Zürich, 2016, ISBN 978-3-906276-50-2 .
  • Islam does not mean salam - forays into the Muslim world. A reader. Offizin Verlag Zürich, 2015, ISBN 978-3-906276-11-3
  • Notabene - easy to think about. Volume 3, Books Verlag Hohenems 2013, ISBN 978-3-99018-174-4
  • Notabene. Just to think about. Volume 2, private print, Vaduz, 2012, ISBN 978-3-033-03350-4
  • Notabene. 100 times just to think about. Frank P. van Eck Publishing House, Vaduz, 2007, ISBN 978-3-905501-96-4
  • Notabene. Thoughts and reflections . Private print Vaduz, 2007, ISBN 978-3-99018-174-4
  • Violinist Peter / Schlapp Manfred: Russians in Liechtenstein . Schalun Verlag Vaduz / Chronos Verlag, Zurich 1996, ISBN 3-905311-73-9
  • To err is inhuman. Arcus Medien, Berlin, 1987, ISBN 3-924720-06-1
  • Beck Gerhard / Gassner HP / Schlapp Manfred (eds.): Liechtensteiner Almanach. Publisher HP Gassner, Vaduz, 1987
  • This is Liechtenstein. Busse-Seewald Verlag, Stuttgart, 1980, ISBN 3-512-00599-3
  • Today was yesterday. In: ORF review , Vienna, 1979/1980
  • Trial and error. Braunmüller Verlag, Vienna, 1979, ISBN 3-7003-0228-2
  • The great discomfort. Delp Verlag, Munich, 1973, ISBN 3-7689-0108-4
  • Profile of the hinterland. Delp Verlag, Munich, 1971, ISBN 3-7689-0078-9
  • Limits and possibilities of language statistics. Diploma thesis at the Institute for Psychology, University of Innsbruck, 1967
  • The role of the sea in the Roman energy of love. Dissertation University of Innsbruck, 1966

Articles (selection)

  • AEIOU A cultural-political interpretation. In: Fischer Thomas / Gehler Michael (eds.): Door to door. Comparative aspects to Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria and Germany . Böhlau Vienna, Cologne, Weimar, 2014, ISBN 978-3-205-79464-6 , 321-318
  • The Liechtenstein PEN Club. Bores Dorothee / Hanuschek Sven (ed.): Manual PEN . De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2014, ISBN 978-3-11-026067-0 , page 585ff
  • A peripatetic aesthetic of the Muslim world . In: Brock Bazon and Sloterdijk Peter (eds.): The professional citizen. Handouts for the training of graduated citizens, graduated patients, graduated consumers, graduated recipients and graduated believers. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, series of publications by the HfG Karlsruhe Vol. 8, 2011, ISBN 978-3-7705-5160-6
  • Search for ultimate reasons . In: Tumult 37. Ca n't stop? , ISBN 978-3-88178-537-2
  • The assassins send their regards. In: Leo Mazakarini (ed.): Reason and Enlightenment versus Critique of Reason and Enlightenment. Festschrift for Helmut Reinalter . Grand Lodge of Austria, Vienna, 2010, 158–165
  • Nekrolog on the clarified Europe. In: Bauer Christian (Ed.): Museumization as a civilization strategy. Workbook for the symposium “Museumization as a Civilization Strategy” . November 24, 2009, ISBN 978-3-89739-674-6 , 107-109
  • What tribal history teaches. In: Geberl Stephan / Weinmann Siegfried / Wiesner Daniel (eds.): Impulses from business informatics. 5th Liechtenstein Business Informatics Symposium at the Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences . Physica Verlag Heidelberg, 2004, ISBN 3-7908-0195-X , 301-308
  • It all starts in the head . In: Britzelmaier Bernd / Geberl Stephan / Kaufmann Hans-Rüdiger / Marco Menichetti (eds.) Regulation or deregulation of the financial markets. 2nd Liechtenstein Financial Services Symposium at the Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences . Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002, ISBN 3-7908-1502-0 , 1-8
  • About the SMALL that makes us BIG and the BIG that makes us SMALL . In: Britzelmeier Bernd / Geberl Stephan / Siegfried Weinmann (eds.): The human being in the net - Ubiquitous Computing. 4th Liechtenstein Business Informatics Symposium at the Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences . Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart / Leipzig, 2002, ISBN 3-519-00375-9 , 9-16
  • As a foreigner in Liechtenstein. In: Norbert Jansen (Ed.) Contributions to Liechtenstein identity. 50 years of the Liechtenstein Academic Society. Liechtenstein Political Writings Volume 34, Schaan, 2001, ISBN 3-7211-1051-X , 124–127
  • Europe: ideal and real. 2001
  • Virtual banknotes and real money needs. In: Britzelmaier Bernd / Geberl Stephan (ed.) Change in the financial services sector. 1. Liechtenstein Financial Services Symposium at the Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences , Physica Verlag Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN 3-7908-1342-7 , 167-172
  • Sisyphus and Tantalus - praise of human hardship. In: Britzelmeier Bernd / Geberl Stefan / Siegfried Weinmann (eds.) Information management - challenges and perspectives. 3rd Liechtenstein Business Informatics Symposium at the Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences, Teubner Stuttgart / Leipzig, 2001, ISBN 3-519-00326-0 , 9-14
  • In the beginning there was the bit. In: Britzelmeier Bernd / Geberl Stefan (Ed.) Information as a success factor. 2nd Liechtenstein Business Informatics Symposium at the Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences, Teubner, Stuttgart / Leipzig, 2000, ISBN 3-519-00317-1 , 11-16
  • Real and virtual bulls. In: Britzelmeier Bernd / Geberl Stefan (Ed.) Business informatics as a mediator between technology, economy and society. 1st Liechtenstein Business Informatics Symposium at the Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences , Teubner, Stuttgart / Leipzig, 1999, ISBN 3-519-00285-X , 95-100
  • Stations of friendship. In: Erich Schmid (ed.): Farewell to Peter Surava. A documentation . Wolfbach Verlag, Zurich, 1995, ISBN 3-9520831-4-3 , 27-37
  • The betrayed conscience. 1989
  • Aspects of death. In: Kaltenbrunner Gerd-Klaus (Ed.): Thinking about the end. Herderbücherei Initiative 75, Munich, 1988, ISBN 3-451-09575-0 , 33-41
  • Between enlightenment and secrecy . In: Kaltenbrunner Gerd-Klaus (Ed.): Secret Societies. The myth of the conspiracy . Herderbücherei Initiative 69, Munich, 1987, ISBN 3-451-09569-6
  • Guinea pig human. 1985
  • Against the rule of conceptual demons . In: Kaltenbrunner Gerd-Klaus (Ed.): World War of the Propagandists. Dumbing down through words, images and advertising . Herderbücherei Initiative 60, Munich, 195, ISBN 3-451-09560-2 , 138-145
  • The business of fear of ugliness . In: Kaltenbrunner Gerd-Klaus (Ed.): What is beautiful. Justification of the aesthetic . Herderbücherei Initiative 55, Munich, 1983, ISBN 3-451-09555-6 , 80-88
  • As if it were a piece by Oblomov or you have to be lucky . In: Kaltenbrunner Gerd-Klaus (Ed.): End of the debate. Herderbücherei Initiative 54, Munich, 1983, ISBN 3-451-09554-8 , 180-183
  • Museums are scrounging too. In: Kaltenbrunner Gerd-Klaus (Hrsg.): Schmarotzer spread. Herderbücherei Initiative 43, Munich, 1981, ISBN 3-451-09543-2 , 174-181
  • Eternal return of the same or conscious evolution? In: Kaltenbrunner Gerd-Klaus (Ed.): Our Epigonen-Schicksal . Herderbücherei Initiative 35, Munich, 1980, ISBN 3-451-09535-1 , 163-171
  • Without threatening gestures. In: Kaltenbrunner Gerd-Klaus (Ed.): Praise of the small state. Herderbücherei Initiative 32, Munich, 1979, ISBN 3-451-09532-7 , 107-124

Journalistic activity

  • 2003–2013 "Notabene" columns on culture and philosophy in the Liechtenstein Fatherland
  • 1976–2015 “ZIFFERBLATT” editing of the series of publications of the PEN Club Liechtenstein
  • 1973–1979 Editorial and editing of “Horizont”, a cultural supplement to the Tyrolean daily newspaper

Radio series for education and science radio on ORF Ö1

  • The anticipation of modern world views through early Greek philosophy . 1979/1980
  • Man and his behavior . 1978, 1979
  • Critique of pure and practical unreason . 1977, 1978
  • Principles of Occidental Thought . 1974, 1975, 1976

Radio plays and plays

  • The holy change . 1976
  • The tree . 1971
  • The eleventh commandment . 1973
  • The old man and the world . 1977
  • Once upon a time there were two people . 1975
  • What Ovid couldn't know yet . 2005

TV documentaries (script and direction)

  • Spice Bees in Space . Vaduz 2003
  • Lucas Foser - He sees and hears with his soul . Vaduz 2003
  • The ski and photo pioneer Stefan Kruckenhauser - made for the eye . Innsbruck / Stift Stams 2002 (together with Andrea Kühbacher)
  • A guest in Liechtenstein - Robert Menasse. Country clerk in the principality. Vaduz 2002
  • The tears of Lithuania - pictures from Memelland. Vaduz 2001
  • Josef Gabriel von Rheinberger: "Rich in beautiful thoughts ..." Vaduz 2001
  • Approx. 1500: playing with the world . The film for the Tyrolean State Exhibition, Brixen 2000 (together with Andrea Kühbacher)
  • Wilten Abbey and its Canons . Innsbruck 2000 (together with Andrea Kühbacher)
  • The lion and the rose - Leonhard the last Gorizia . The film for the Tyrolean state exhibition. Lienz 2000 (together with Andrea Kühbacher)
  • Heinrich Harrer- All dreams begin in youth . Vaduz 1998
  • Eduard von Falz-Fein - I'm a Russian at heart. Vaduz 1997
  • To protect the country - the Graz armory . Exhibition film Graz 1997
  • Emperor Maximilian I . Exhibition film for the Maximilianeum. Innsbruck 1996 (together with Andrea Kühbacher)
  • Searching for traces in Liechtenstein - Famous Austrians in the Principality. ORF Vaduz 1996
  • Refuge castle Liechtenstein - The Principality as a lifeboat for the First Russian National Army at the end of the Second World War . ORF 1995
  • Meinhard II. - Tyrol: A prince's dream . The film for the Tyrolean state exhibition. Stams Abbey 1995 (together with Andrea Kühbacher)
  • Life in secret - world literature in Liechtenstein . ORF 1994
  • When targets tell - Feldkirch's target targets . ORF Ö-Bild 1993
  • Oskar Werner in Liechtenstein - I am more sensitive than others . ORF 1992
  • Jiri Mucha - A European on the Hradschin . ORF 1991
  • Robert du Parc - The secret of Rubein Castle. ORF Ö-Bild 1991
  • Salcia Landmann - Memories of Galicia . ORF 1991
  • Dalai Lama - The philosophy of laughter and the logic of love . ORF 1991
  • Fading water - the South Tyrolean Waale . ORF Ö-Bild 1990
  • Monforts heritage- The Schattenburg above Feldkirch . ORF Ö-Bild 1990
  • It was at Vaduz Castle - Princess Gina and Prince Franz Josef II . ORF Ö-Bild 1990
  • In the end there was a beginning - Art Nouveau in the shadow of the double-headed eagle . ORF two-parter 1989
  • Where father Rhine was still young . ORF Ö-Bild 1990
  • Old wine on the young Rhine . ORF Ö-Bild 1990
  • Muses also need passports . ORF Ö-Bild 1989
  • Tibet is in Vorarlberg . ORF Ö-Bild 1989
  • Norman Douglas - Should there be an island up there? . ORF Ö-Bild 1988
  • Old wine on the young Rhine . ORF Ö-Bild 1988
  • When the pyre burned - witch madness in the Alpine region . ORF Ö-Bild 1988
  • Up on the young Rhine . ORF Ö-Bild 1987
  • Prince Franz Josef II celebrates his 80th birthday . ORF Ö-Bild 1986
  • A principality introduces itself . 1985
  • Gleanings from a historical year . 1985
  • David without a slingshot - The Principality of Liechtenstein . ORF 1984

Cook Art Reading Books

together with Andrea Kühbacher

  • What our palate laughs at. Greetings from the abdomen . Vaduz, 2000
  • Venus in a dressing gown and Mars in a shirt . Vaduz, 2001
  • Ricco e povero . Vaduz, 2002
  • From the devil's kitchen . Vaduz, 2003
  • To court over courts . Vaduz, 2005
  • World tasting . Vaduz, 2004
  • What our palate laughs at. Culinary greetings from friends of the finest arts. A selection of the contributions from 2000–2004 . Frank P. van Eck Publishing House, Triesen, 2004, ISBN 3-905501-75-9
  • Tongued . Vaduz, 2006
  • The gastrosophic imperative! Vaduz, 2008


Josef Gabriel von Rheinberger Culture Prize 1997

Honorary gift "marmot" of the authors' association IG Wort 2018

Web links

Individual evidence

  3. ↑ Form the future. 75 Years of the Liechtenstein Gymnasium, 2012, page 215
  5. ^ Liechtenstein PEN Club
  6. Bores Dorothee / Hanuschek Sven (ed.) Manual PEN. De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2014 ISBN 978-3-11-026067-0 , page 585
  7. Lexicon of contemporary Swiss writers. , accessed on January 11, 2015 Lexicon of contemporary Swiss writers.
  8. , accessed on January 11, 2015