Mangerwiese Wotan Oak

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Mangerwiese-Wotanseiche nature reserve

IUCN Category IV - Habitat / Species Management Area

Mangerwiese-Wotanseiche nature reserve 02.jpg
location Pforzheim in Baden-Württemberg , Germany
surface 65.4 ha
Identifier 2.167
WDPA ID 164563
Geographical location 48 ° 52 '  N , 8 ° 45'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 52 '25 "  N , 8 ° 44' 42"  E
Mangerwiese-Wotan Oak (Baden-Württemberg)
Mangerwiese Wotan Oak
Setup date October 13, 1993
administration Karlsruhe Regional Council

Mangerwiese-Wotanseiche is a nature reserve in the district of Pforzheim (NSG number 2.167) in Baden-Württemberg . With an ordinance of October 13, 1993, the Karlsruhe Regional Council placed the area under nature protection.


The nature reserve is located in the Pforzheim district on the western edge of the large “Hagenschieß” forest area, southeast of the “Haidach” residential area, between 389 and 429 meters above sea level. It belongs to the natural area 150- Black Forest edge plates within the natural spatial main unit 15- Black Forest . It borders on two sides of the approximately 5,970 hectare landscape protection area for the Pforzheim urban district (No. 2.31.001) and is part of the approximately 1,902 hectare FFH area No. 7118341 Würm-Nagold-Pforte .

The character of the natural ground relief is anthropogenic due to its earlier use as a military training area . There are trenches, bulge holes, small embankments and old lanes that increase the ecological diversity and importance of the already very varied relief.

Protection purpose

The essential protection purpose is

  • the maintenance and development of the bushes, forests and wooded borders as well as the grassland with its species-rich stands;
  • the maintenance and development of wet, damp and semi-damp meadows, small bodies of water, tall herbaceous vegetation and wet bushes;
  • the maintenance and development of both base-rich and base-poor lean sites with their respective special flora;
  • the preservation and promotion of the various, richly structured habitats as a habitat for the typical flora and fauna with their mutual dependency, in particular the world of butterflies, birds and amphibians;
  • the scientific observation of natural succession;
  • the development of local mixed deciduous forests suitable for the location on waterlogged and alternately humid locations.

See also


  • District Office for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management Karlsruhe (Ed.): The nature reserves in the administrative district of Karlsruhe . Thorbecke, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-7995-5172-7 .

Web links

Commons : Mangerwiese-Wotanseiche nature reserve  - collection of images, videos and audio files