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without rank: Chloroplastida
without rank: Chlorophyta
without rank: Prasinophyceae
Order : Mamiellales
Family : Mamiellaceae
Genre : Mantoniella
Scientific name

Mantoniella is an algae - genus in the family of Mamiellaceae .


Mantoniella squamata is a unicellular green alga that has an exceptional metabolism in the pigments of its light-harvesting complex .

The alga was isolated from the brackish water of the Lancaster Salt Marsh (GB) in 1952 by EA George and described for the first time in 1960 by Manton and Parke as Micromonas squamata , and it is assigned to the Prasinophyceae (class: Chlorophyta ) strain . More detailed morphological studies led to the differentiation from the unscaled Micromonas pusilla . In 1972 Desikachery named the alga Mantoniella squamata in memory of Irene Manton's contributions on flagellated green algae . With its physiological equipment, Mantoniella squamata is a very suitable organism to investigate questions of the functional organization of the antenna systems and pigment biosynthesis.

The second alga in this genus is Mantoniella antarctica .

The unicellular alga is oval in shape with a size between 3 and 5 μm. It has two flagella and a peripheral cup-shaped chloroplast with a photosynthetic pigment ( pyrenoid ) surrounded by starch . It shares this trait with other Chlorophyta. A layer of superimposed cobweb-like scales is located around the alga as an outer shell. They are organic material and have given the alga the name squamata - scaly.


The species is found in the coastal waters and seas of the northern hemisphere.

Special features in the light collection complex

The low tolerance to higher light intensities is striking. This property connects Mantoniella squamata with at least one other Prasinophycae, Ostreococcus tauri . The design of the light-collecting antenna and its pigmentation differ significantly from other representatives of the Chlorophyta: The variety of bound pigments is large and also includes xanthophylls , which absorb in the area of ​​the ' green gap ' of the photosystems of higher plants. This makes the algae interesting for research purposes, as the energy conduction between pigments that have so far been less studied can also be analyzed. Their xanthophyll cycle is modified, but its basic structure corresponds to that of the higher plants. Due to the systematic position of Mantoniella squamata in the plant kingdom, new knowledge about the phylogenetic development of the pigmentation pattern of pigment-protein complexes can possibly be gained.

In addition to the β-carotene synthesis pathway known from higher plants, additional pigments also occur in Mantoniella squamata on the α- carotene biosynthetic pathway due to light . This property promises new insights into the system of photoprotection , i.e. H. protection against excessive solar radiation. This xanthophyll cycle, which can be activated quickly and strongly, apparently enables protection during periods of strong light that do not exceed a few hours. However, adaptation to continuous light of medium intensity is not possible.

Literature collection on Mantoniella

Database entries for Mantoniella

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mantoniella in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Retrieved January 14, 2015.
  2. a b c Krämer, Petra. “Studies on the ultrastructure and physiology of Mantoniella squamata (Prasinophyceae): Adaptation to strong and weak light conditions and analysis of the supramolecular organization of the thylakoid membrane,” Diss., Univ. Mainz (1987)
  3. Van Den Hoek, Christiaan; Jahns, Hans Martin and David G. Mann, editors. Seaweed. Stuttgart New York: Thieme, 1993
  4. Chrétiennot-Dinet, M.-J .; Courties, C .; Vaquer A .; Neveux J .; Claustre H. and MC Machado. “A New Marine Picoeucaryote: Ostreococcus tauri gen. Et sp. nov. (Chlorophyta, Prasinophyceae), ”Phycologia, 34 (4): 285-292 (1995)
  5. Böhme, Karen: Regulation of the xanthophyll biosynthesis in Mantoniella squamata (Prasinophyceae). Dissertation, University of Leipzig, 2002.