Manuel María Paz

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Manuel Maria Paz

Manuel María Paz Delgado (born July 6, 1820 in Almaguer , † September 16, 1902 in Bogotá ) was a Colombian soldier , cartographer and draftsman .

Live and act

Manuel María Paz Delgado was born on July 6, 1820 in the village of Almaguer in the Colombian department del Cauca . His parents were Domingo de Paz and Baltazara Delgado and he had two siblings, José Miguel de Paz and Carmen de Paz. After studying humanities in his native city, he first joined the Guardia Local de Popayán on December 29, 1839 and was shortly thereafter accepted into the Guardia Nacional de Yacuanguer .

As a soldier , he took part in several civil wars in the Republic of New Granada . Over the years he rose in the military hierarchy until he was promoted to Coronel (equivalent to colonel ) in 1848 . At the same time he also developed his career as a draftsman and cartographer and exhibited his works in 1848 at the “Mesa Revuelta” art exhibition.

Picture of the Lagunas de Siecha (1855) in the Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza , painted by Manuel María Paz Delgado

In 1852 he married Felisa Castro and had six children with her: José Domingo, Felisa, Francisco, María, Ana María and Julián. A year later he became a member of the Comisión Corográfica , in which he worked as a draftsman together with Henry Price .

Between 1853 and 1858 he created 127 views, which on the one hand illustrated the work of the commission, but were partly published independently together with Agostino Codazzi . At that time he also worked with him on the creation of maps of the various regions of the country.

With the death of Codazzi (1859) in the arms of his friend Manuel María Paz Delgado, the work of the commission came to a standstill. In order not to lose the knowledge he had gathered, Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera signed a contract with Manuel María Paz Delgado and Manuel Ponce de León with the aim of concluding and publishing what had been started under Codazzi. This resulted in the Atlas de los Estados Unidos de Colombia in 1865 and the Atlas Geográfico e Histórico de la República de Colombia in 1889 . The Société de Géographie accepted him as a member on December 6, 1889, for his work, especially with the second atlas .

While working on the atlases, he took part in numerous exhibitions.

Manual María Paz Delgado died on September 16, 1902 in San Victorino , a current district of Bogotá .


  • Atlas de los Estados Unidos de Colombia (1865). Associate Editor
  • Atlas Geográfico e Histórico de la República de Colombia (1889). Associate Editor
  • Carta del territorio de los chibchas (1894).
  • Diccionario Geográfico Estadístico Histórico de la Nueva Granada .
  • Itinerario general de las distancias that exist en la capital de los Estados Unidos de Colombia a las diferentes poblaciones de cada uno de los estados (1870).
  • Láminas de la Comisión Corográfica (1853-1858).
  • Mapa Económico de la Republica de Colombia .
  • Mapa General de Colombia y los particulares de los Estados (1873).
  • Primer Itinerario de Distancias de la República de Colombia .
  • Libreta de apuntes (2011) Facsimile of the drawings from the VII and VIII expeditions of the Comisión Corográfica. Published by the Universidad de Caldas and the Universidad EAFIT .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Carmen Ortega Ricaurte: Manuel María Paz. Accessed July 21, 2012 .
  2. a b c d e f g h i Oscar Tobar Gómez: La obra pictórica de Manuel María Paz y la Comisión Corográfica. Retrieved July 21, 2012 .
  3. 1853: 52 views during the IV chorological expedition; 1855: 16 views during the VI. chorological expedition; 1856: 11 views during the VII chorological expedition; 1857: 16 views during the 8th chorological expedition; and 32 views for Codazzi on the culture of San Agustín .