María-Paz Yáñez

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María-Paz Yáñez (born March 13, 1944 in Madrid ) is a Swiss - Spanish Hispanist .

Live and act

Yáñez studied Romance and German at the University of Zurich , where she then did her doctorate in 1990 under Georges Güntert. After her habilitation in 1996, she was a private lecturer in the Romance Department at the University of Zurich . Since 2003 she has held a chair for Spanish literary studies there and has since retired.

Her main research interests include narrative and theater, especially in the 19th and 20th centuries.

In the mid-1980s, Yáñez also founded the Los Comicastros theater group , which performs Spanish-language plays in Switzerland. Yáñez is married and has Swiss and Spanish citizenship.

Fonts (selection)

  • La historia: inagotable temática novelesca. Esbozo de un estudio sobre la novela histórica española hasta 1834 y análisis de la aportación de Larra al género. Frankfurt / M. 1991.
  • Mariano José de Larra. El doncel de don Enrique el Doliente. Critical edition. Madrid 1995 (Colección Austral: 365).
  • Siguiendo los hilos. Análisis de la configuración discursiva en algunas novelas españolas del siglo XIX. Frankfurt / M. 1996.

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