María do Céu

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María do Céu Lopes da Silva Federer (* 1957 in Atauro , Portuguese Timor ) is an East Timorese development worker.


Céu grew up in East Timor during the Indonesian occupation and studied in Jakarta . Her father was a lawyer and journalist who was exiled from the Portuguese colony of São Tomé and Príncipe . She started her own family in Australia , but kept moving between Australia and East Timor while working for the East Timorese resistance. In the 1990s, Céu and her husband, the Chilean diplomat Juan Federer, founded the East Timor International Support Center in Darwin .

In 1998, Céu co-founded the Timor Aid aid organization and returned to East Timor in 1999. After living in Darwin again for some time, she now works as a political officer for the Australian embassy in Dili. In 2004/2005 she was President of the Comissão Nacional de Eleições .

Céu ran as a candidate in the 2012 presidential election in East Timor and was penultimate in the elections with 0.40% of the vote.


Céu speaks six languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, Bahasa Indonesia, Tetum and French. As a teenager, she received Latin lessons from Rogério Lobato , who also ran for the 2012 presidential election.

In 2009 she received the Insígnia of the Ordem de Timor-Leste .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Timor-Leste, Eleições Gerais de 2012 , accessed on September 2, 2012
  2. a b David Wood: Darwin girls' fight to be pres , NTnews, February 7, 2012
  3. ^ Irena Cristalis and Catherine Scott: Independent women: The story of women's activism in East Timor , p. 6.
  4. ABC Radio National: CLASSIC LNL: Timor Leste: Maria do Ceu Lopes da Silva , December 18, 2007 (English)
  5. Centru Jornalista Investigativu Timor Leste: Lista Tribunal Rekursu Konaba Candidate Prezidente Republika , February 3, 2012 (Tetum)
  6. Timor Aid: Staff Profiles ( Memento from December 28, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  7. ^ Gordon Peake: Rogerio Lobato: From inmate to president? , The interpreter, The Lowy Institute for International Policy, February 15, 2012
  8. Decreto do Presidente da República n ° 25/2014 de 27 de Agosto , accessed on September 18, 2019.