Marcel Guimbretiere

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Marcel Guimbretiere (1931)

Marcel Guimbretiere (born December 4, 1909 in La Chaume , † October 1, 1970 in Paris ) was a French cyclist .

Marcel Guimbretiere was a professional racing driver from 1930 to 1947, with an interruption due to the Second World War . During this time he started mainly in six-day races ; He won eleven of 56 races, four of them with Alfred Letourneur and six with Paul Broccardo . Together with Broccardo, he won the Berlin six-day race in 1932 and the one in Dortmund in 1934 . In 1957 he and Maurice Archambaud won the Prix ​​Dupré-Lapize railway competition in Paris .

Guimbretiere and Broccardo both lived in port cities, Broccardo in Nice and Guimbretière in Les Sables-d'Olonne . In reference to this, their identification symbols were blue and white striped jerseys and the song "Les gars de la marine" (English version: "That is the love of the sailors"), which was popular at the time.

After the end of his active cycling career, Guimbretiere worked for the bicycle manufacturer Flandria . During an exhibition in Paris, he suffered a heart attack at the company's booth.


  • René Jacobs, Hector Mahau, Harry van Den Bremt, René Pirotte: Velo Gotha. Presses de Belgique, Brussels 1984, p. 214.
  • Roger de Maertelaere: De Mannen van de night. 100 years of zesdaagsen. Eecloonaar, Eeklo 2000, ISBN 90-74128-67-X , p. 223 f.

Web links

Commons : Marcel Guimbretiere  - Collection of images, videos and audio files