Marco Politi

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Marco Politi (born January 29, 1947 in Rome ) is an Italian Vatican scholar and author .

Politi wrote for the Italian daily La Repubblica for 20 years and was a correspondent from the Vatican for the paper . He later moved to Il Fatto Quotidiano . As a guest author he also wrote for Die Zeit and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . He is considered one of the most famous vaticanisti in Italy.

Several of his books have been translated into German. In 2012 he published the monograph Benedikt. Crisis of a pontificate in which he was Pope Benedict XVI. Attributes weak leadership in office. 2020 Politi in Das Franziskus-Kompott describes which conservative networks, cardinals and bishops are fighting against Pope Francis in the Vatican and abroad.


  • His Holiness. John Paul II and the secret diplomacy of the Vatican with Carl Bernstein , C. Bertelsmann 1997 ISBN 978-3570120446 ( Sua Santità , Rizzoli, 1996)
  • La confessione. Un prete gay racconta la sua storia , Editori Riuniti, 2000
  • Il ritorno di Dio. Viaggio tra i cattolici d'Italia , Mondadori, 2004
  • Io, prete gay , Mondadori, 2006
  • Papa Wojtyła. L'addio , Morcelliana, 2007
  • La Chiesa del no. Indagine sugli italiani e la libertà di coscienza , Mondadori, 2009
  • Benedict . Crisis of a pontificate , Red Book 2012. ISBN 978-3867891714 ( Joseph Ratzinger. Crisi di un papato , Laterza, 2011)
  • Franziskus unter Wölfen , Herder 2015. ISBN 978-3-45134286-8 ( Francesco tra i lupi. Il segreto di una rivoluzione , Laterza, 2014)
  • The Francis plot. The lonely Pope and his struggle for the Church , Herder 2020. ISBN 978-3-451-39446-1 ( La solitudine di Francesco: un papa profetico, una Chiesa in tempesta , Laterza, 2019)

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