Marco Tulio Maristany

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Marco Tulio Maristany Gómez (born April 25, 1916 in Valencia , † May 28, 1984 ) was a Venezuelan singer.

Maristany studied in New York from 1922 to 1927. As a member of the Trio Los Cantores de Trópico, he toured large parts of Latin America and performed with the orchestras Luis Alfonzo Larrains , Efraín Orozcos , Angel Sauces , Ulises Acostas , Billo Frómetas and Aldemaro Romeros . From 1953 to 1964 he directed the Canciones Bajo las Estrellas program at Radio Caracas Radio . On television he has appeared on the programs Renny Ottolinas , Víctor Saumes , Francisco Amado Pernías , Henry Altuves Winston Vallenilla Carreyós , Gilberto Correas and others. He was awarded the Order Mérito en el Trabajo First Class, the Order Francisco de Miranda Second Class, the Order Guaicaipuro in Gold and the Order Vicente Emilio Sojo First Class.
