Marcus Fabius Vibulanus (Consul 483 BC)

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Marcus Fabius Vibulanus († 477 BC ) came from the Roman patrician family of the Fabians and was 483 and 480 BC. Chr. Consul .


Marcus Fabius Vibulanus and his brothers Kaeso and Quintus ruled between 485 and 479 BC. Alternately the highest state office in the early Roman Republic. The Fabier family was then one of the leading families in Rome and reached a height of power under the three brothers. In his first consulate in 483 BC BC Marcus Fabius fought together with his fellow consul Lucius Valerius Potitus supposedly against Veienter and Volsker . 480 BC Re-elected as consul, Marcus Fabius and his colleague Gnaeus Manlius Cincinnatus again took to the field against the Veienti, but is said to have feared that his troops, as in previous years, would not follow the consuls due to domestic political tensions. But this time the army did not cause any problems and won after a hard fight. But since Quintus Fabius had also fallen, his brother Marcus had given up a triumph out of grief . 477 BC Like most of the other members of the Fabians, he is said to have died in the battle of the Cremera against the Veienter, and the family was almost exterminated. A more detailed description can be found under Kaeso Fabius Vibulanus .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ T. Robert S. Broughton : The Magistrates Of The Roman Republic. Volume 1: 509 BC - 100 BC (= Philological Monographs. Vol. 15, Part 1, ZDB -ID 418575-4 ). American Philological Association, New York NY 1951, pp. 22 f., (Unchanged reprint 1968).
  2. Titus Livius 2:42, 7-11; Dionysius of Halicarnassus 8, 87, 2 - 8, 90, 6.
  3. ^ T. Robert S. Broughton: The Magistrates Of The Roman Republic. Volume 1: 509 BC - 100 BC (= Philological Monographs. Vol. 15, Part 1). American Philological Association, New York NY 1951, p. 24, (Unchanged reprint 1968).
  4. Livy 2:43, 11-2, 47, 12; Dionysios 9, 5, 1 - 9, 13, 5.
  5. Diodorus 11, 53, 6; Livy 2, 48, 8 - 2, 51, 9; Dionysios 9, 18, 5 - 9, 22, 6.
