Marcus Statius Priscus Licinius Italicus

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Marcus Statius Priscus Licinius Italicus was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 2nd century AD , who rose to the Senate and became consul in 159 . Individual stations in his career are known through an inscription dated 162/164 .

Statius may have come from Dalmatia , where the names Statius and Priscus were widely used. His military career went beyond the usual tres militiae for a member of the equestrian order ; he began it as prefect of the cohors IIII Lingonum around 132 in Britain and was soon assigned as tribune of the legio III Gallica in the Jewish war of Emperor Hadrian . For his achievements in the Jewish war he received a vexillum from Hadrian as a military award. He then worked as a tribune in the legio X Gemina in the Roman province of Pannonia superior . Later, also in Pannonia, he was tribune in the legio I Adiutrix . Then he took over the management of ala I praetoria civium Romanorum as Praefectus equitum .

After his military career he was procurator Augusti responsible for the administration of the inheritance tax ( XX hereditatium ) in the provinces of Gallia Narbonensis and Aquitania ; this post was associated with an annual income of 60,000 sesterces . Then Statius was accepted into the Senate; the reasons for this are not apparent from the inscription. He then held the following offices: the bursar , the people's tribunate and the praetur .

Statius' praetorical career began with the legatures of the legio XIV Gemina in Pannonia and the legio XIII Gemina in Dacia. Shortly afterwards Statius became a legate of the province of Dacia superior (156? –158); as governor of Dacia superior he is attested by two military diplomas , dated 157 and 158. In 159 Statius became a full consul . After his consulate he became curator alvei Tiberis et riparum et cloacarum urbis in 160 . In this office he was in charge of the Tiber bed, its banks and the city's sewage. From about early 161 to summer or autumn, before he was transferred to Britain, Statius was legate of the province of Moesia superior ; as governor of Moesia superior he is documented by another inscription and a military diploma.

After his legacy in the province of Britain, he was assigned to Cappadocia, probably in the first months of the year 162, to take over the place of Marcus Sedatius Severianus after his defeat by Vologaeses IV at Elegeia. As the dux of Emperor Lucius Verus , Statius took part in the Parthian War , took the old Armenian capital Artaxata and added the new capital Kainopolis, where he left a Roman occupation behind. Statius died very old during the war.



  1. According to Hans-Georg Pflaum, Statius was a tribune in a different order: first in Legion I Adiutrix, then in X Gemina and finally in III Gallica.

Individual evidence

  1. Inscription ( CIL 6, 1523 ).
  2. a b Hans-Georg Pflaum : Les Carrières , pp. 322–323, no. 136.
  3. ^ A b Military diplomas from 157 ( CIL 16, 107 ), 158 ( CIL 16, 108 ) and 161 ( RMD 1, 55 ).
  4. Inscription ( AE 1910, 86 ).