Marcus Valerius Maximus Lactuca

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Marcus Valerius Maximus Lactuca was a descendant of the patrician family of the Valerians , in the 5th century BC. Living politician of the early Roman Republic . In 456 BC He officiated as consul .


According to the filiation information of the Fasti Capitolini , the father of Marcus Valerius Maximus Lactuca led the prenomen Manius and his grandfather the prenomen Volusus . Accordingly, he was a son of the dictator of 494 BC. BC, Manius Valerius Maximus . Its cognomen is derived from the plant genus Lactuca ( lettuce ).

458 BC According to the Roman historian Titus Livius , Marcus Valerius Maximus Lactuca is said to have held the quaesture and had Titus Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus as an official colleague. Quinctius Capitolinus had already been consul three times and, as quaestor, had now very emphatically prosecuted the false witness Marcus Volscius Fictor because he had appeared as a witness against his fellow gentile Kaeso Quinctius and had caused his exile. Dionysius of Halicarnassus , who also treats the history of the early Roman Republic in detail, reports on the condemnation of Volscius only in passing, not mentioning Quinctius and Valerius. The historicity of this event, like the bursary of Valerius, is very doubtful.

Valerius achieved the highest office of his cursus honorum , the consulate, in 456 BC. Chr .; his counterpart was Spurius Verginius Tricostus Caelimontanus . The first secular celebration ( ludi saeculares ) is said to have been celebrated by Emperor Augustus in 17 BC. Chr. Prompted new reconstruction of the history of the Roman games to be celebrated during the consulate of Valerius. According to Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Valerius and his comrade Verginius allegedly had a dispute with the tribune Lucius Icilius during their consulate about his lex de Aventino publicando , which provided for the assignment of the Aventine to the plebs . Because Livius does not offer a corresponding parallel report and even certifies that Valerius' year of consulate went smoothly, the representation of Dionysius is likely to be unhistorical.

Valerius' son Marcus Valerius Lactuca Maximus was 437 BC. Chr. Suffect consul .



  1. Fasti Capitolini ad annum 456 BC Chr .: M. Valerius M. ' f. Volusi n. Maxumus .
  2. ^ Hans Volkmann : Valerius 246. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume VIII A, 1, Stuttgart 1955, Col. 122 f. (here: 122).
  3. Pliny , Naturalis historia 19:59.
  4. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita 3, 25, 2.
  5. ^ Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae 10, 8.
  6. Fasti Capitolini ad annum 456 BC Chr .; Livius, Ab urbe condita 3, 31, 1 (without citing Valerius' cognomen); Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae 10, 31 (without cognomen); Diodor , Bibliothéke historiké 12, 4, 1; among others
  7. ^ Censorinus , De die natali 17, 10; among others
  8. ^ Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae 10, 31f.
  9. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita 3, 31, 1.
  10. ^ Hans Volkmann: Valerius 246. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume VIII A, 1, Stuttgart 1955, Col. 122 f. (here: 123).