Marek Zieliński

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Marek Zieliński (2007)

Marek Zieliński (born October 7, 1952 in Gorzów Wielkopolski ) is a Polish politician of the Platforma Obywatelska ( Civic Platform ).


Marek Zieliński studied mechanical and vehicle construction ( Wydział Maszyn Roboczych i Pojazdów ) at the Poznań University of Technology ( Politechnika Poznańska ) and graduated in 1977 as an engineer. He then worked in the transport department of the metallurgy company Pomet . In 1980 he became a member of the Solidarność trade union and from 1982 to 1988 was the organizer of the distribution of independent magazines such as that of Obserwator Wielkopolski . At the same time he was a member of the Pomet workers' council. With the legalization of Solidarność he started organizing the trade union in Pomet and became deputy head of the election committee for the Poznan Voivodeship . In 1990 Marek Zieliński became the chairman of the trade union in the Pomet company. In 1991 he stood in the first election of the Third Polish Republic for Solidarność and was able to enter the Sejm . In 1993 he joined the Sejm for the Unia Demokratyczna ( Democratic Union ) and then from 1997 to 2001 for the Unia Wolności ( Freedom Union ). From 2006 he was a member of the Platforma Obywatelska in the Sejmik of the Greater Poland Voivodeship . In the early parliamentary elections in 2007 he was able to win a seat for the Sejm with 10,207 votes in constituency 39 Poznań. There he works in the commissions for public finance and economics.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Website of the Sejm, Posłowie VI kadencji - Marek Zieliński , accessed on January 1, 2009
  2. a b c Encyclopedia of Solidarność, Marek Zieliński , accessed on January 1, 2009 ( WebCite ( Memento from January 1, 2009 on WebCite ))
  3. ^ Website of Marek Zieliński, O mnie ( Memento from January 1st, 2009 on WebCite )
  4. Sejm website, Marek Zieliński - V kadencja Przynależność do komisji / podkomisji , accessed on January 1, 2008