Margret Bergmann

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Margret Bergmann (* 1940 in Munich , Germany ) is an Italian writer from South Tyrol .


Bergmann obtained a degree in German . She taught literary subjects (German, history, geography) at two secondary schools in South Tyrol ( Neumarkt , Bozen ). During class, she wrote several theater productions, some of her own theater texts, and some of the transformations of prose texts into plays with the students. She wrote several school radio programs for the radio station Rai Südtirol .

At the same time she was the library director in the school library, which soon became the combined school and youth library and later the "Haslach Public Library", of which she remained director for years.

Since the end of 2001 she has been involved as a writer and storyteller, with the aim of using her income to help build a better future for the people of Afghanistan. Your treasure trove of fairy tales and legends encompasses the whole world. She tells for adults and children. With her lively, brilliant narrative style she enchants young and old and leads them right into the action. Until 2007 she covered all the costs for the girls' school in Tabqus (school building, teachers, books, etc.) in the central Afghan highlands; In the same year she was able to finance the construction of another school building in Tabqus through her charity events. In the same year she joined the Jesuit refugee service JRS in Afghanistan as a volunteer, as well as the Onlus association "South Tyrolean Doctors for Developing Countries". This association enables the total proceeds of Bergmann's work to flow to the JRS. In doing so, she made a major contribution to the extension of the Technical Institute in Herat.

In September 2012 she received the Cross of Merit of the State of Tyrol for her service as an ambassador for peace in Afghanistan and for her educational service in schools and libraries, especially in language education and reading promotion.

In February 2014 she could look back on well over 900 charity events for Afghanistan.

At the end of 2014, Ms. Bergmann was voted "South Tyrolean of the Year". The jury awarded her this honorary award because of her services to Afghanistan (including setting up the girls' schools).


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