Margret Buerschaper

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Margret Buerschaper (born April 22, 1937 in Wissen ; † April 20, 2016 in Lutten ) was a German author.

Live and act

Buerschaper grew up in birch honey dinners , where her father worked as a teacher until he was drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1942. After studying pedagogy , she settled in Vechta , where she lived until the end of her life. Margret Buerschaper worked as a teacher from 1963 until her retirement in 2001. In 1978 she obtained the title Magister of Arts.

As a writer, Margret Buerschaper has published more than twenty books, the spectrum of which ranges from poetry to factual subjects to biography. So she wrote a biographical work about the writer Carl Heinz Kurz , with whom she had a literary friendship. There are also numerous articles in magazines and anthologies.

Together with Carl Heinz Kurz , she founded the German Haiku Society in 1988 , of which she was president from the year it was founded until 2003. She was the editor of the literary magazine Sommergras . Buerschaper also published poetological treatises on Japanese poetry in German form.

Margret Buerschaper was married and had three children.

Works (selection)


  • Barbara Stroszer: Nature and Haiku poetry, illustrated using selected examples by the poet Margret Buerschaper (Master's thesis at the Univ. Gorze, Poland) 1993
  • Andreas Wittbrodt: Depth of the moment. Essays on the poetics of German-language haiku . Hamburg 2004 ( ISBN 9783937257105 )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Margret Buerschaper: Carl Heinz Kurz - a German Haijin. Biographical and literary considerations. Göttingen: Graphicum 1988 ( ISBN 978-3-88996-198-3 )
  2. Margret Buerschaper: The German short poem in the tradition of Japanese poetry forms (Haiku, Senryü, Tanka, Renga). Historical and generic presentation . Göttingen 1987 and Margret Buerschaper: "The German Haiku". In: Quarterly magazine of the German Haiku Society 1, No. 1, 1988