Maria Heep-Altiner

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Maria Heep-Altiner (born December 29, 1959 in Niederzeuzheim ) is a German mathematician and university professor .


After graduating from the Fürst-Johann-Ludwig-Schule in Hadamar , Heep-Altiner studied mathematics and economics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn from 1978 . In 1989 she did her doctorate there in mathematics on the number theoretical topic "Period relations for ". She then went to the Gerling Group Lebensversicherungs-AG as an actuary before moving to Gerling Group Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG in 1994. There she took over the management of the actuarial department for property insurance. In 2006 she moved to Talanx , where she was entrusted with setting up an internal holding model.

In 2008, Heep-Altiner returned to the scientific community as a professor at the Institute for Insurance at Cologne University of Applied Sciences. There she oversees the finance department in the insurance company. After being involved in the German Actuarial Association (DAV) while working in industry , she later became a member of the DAV board. In addition, she appeared with various publications on various actuarial topics.

Publications (selection)

Heep-Altiner was the main author or a significant part of the team of authors for the following books:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. " Short profile: Prof. Dr. Maria Heep-Altiner ”on the homepage of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences
  2. Maria Heep-Altiner at
  3. Maria Heep in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / name used