Marianne Sydow

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Marianne Sydow (* 24 July 1944 in Altdöbern , † 2. June 2013 in Lehnin ; born Bischoff , divorced Sydow , since 1980 civil Marianne Ehrig ) was a German science fiction - writer . She also published under the pseudonym Garry McDunn .


Sydow worked as a telephone operator and saleswoman and published individual science fiction booklet novels in Zauberkreis Verlag under the pseudonym Garry McDunn before she came to Pabel Verlag in 1975 . Here she initially wrote for the magazine series " TERRA ASTRA " and " Atlan ", and later - as the first woman on the team - for the Perry Rhodan series . She also wrote the synopsis for the Atlan series for a long time.

Due to repeated differences with team colleagues and employees of the Pabel-Moewig-Verlag (as it was now called), in particular because of ongoing conflicts with the then editor Günter M. Schelwokat , she left the Perry-Rhodan team in 1992 - not entirely voluntarily. As a result, she withdrew into private life.

After the death of her second husband Heinz-Jürgen Ehrig in 2003, she was busy with the development of the "Ehrig Collection", which comprises over 130,000 works from the field of fantastic literature since the 18th century. As a result of her work, she published a multi-volume inventory catalog that is still unfinished. In 2010, with her son Ralph von Sydow, she started the reprint edition of the utopian booklet series “ Der Luftpirat and his dirigible airship ”, which appeared from 1908 to 1912 .

Marianne Sydow died on June 2, 2013 after a brief serious illness, her death was not known to the public until the end of June.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b biography of Marianne Sydow

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