Marianne Wintersteiner

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Marianne Wintersteiner , née Portisch (born February 20, 1920 in Mährisch-Schönberg ; † November 2, 2003 ) was a German writer.


Marianne Portisch took over the editorial management of the Sudeten German magazine Mädel komm mit at the age of 18 . Because of the import rich German newspapers she received in 1938 in Czechoslovakia problems, so she sent the Sudeten German Gymnastics Federation to Berlin at the Imperial Academy of Physical Education , where they should be designed for gym teacher. After a knee injury, she was admitted to the Hohenlychen sanatorium, where she began to write. She sent her attempts to write to the Rowohlt Verlag, which forwarded them to Hans Fallada , who then visited her in Hohenlychen.

“... I started to write a novel there in Hohenlychen. Then I had the idea to send this writing to the Rowohlt Verlag - Falladas Verlag, I knew that by now. This is how those papers actually came into Fallada's hands, and that's how the two of us came in contact. He then answered ... "

- Gunnar Müller-Waldeck : Hans Fallada - still ...

After the annexation of the Sudetengau to the German Empire , she returned to her homeland. Here she undertook tours through the country with Fallada on behalf of the Reich Labor Service . In 1940 she married a teacher, but the marriage did not last long. During the war she was used as a Red Cross nurse.

After the war she was classified as an anti-fascist because she moved in the circle around Othmar Spann . In 1950 she came to Bavaria and seven years later married Gerhard Wintersteiner, with whom she lived in Lindberg .

Wintersteiner wrote over forty books, mainly historical novels, which often centered on important women such as Katharina von Bora , Lola Montez , Margravine Amalie von Baden , Bertha von Suttner , Guta von Habsburg , Anna Magdalena Bach and Lou von Salomé , as well as local novels such as The maid Valerie , the carver from the Einödhof and the people of Buchenau .

In 1998 the book Pechvogel und Glückskind , a fairy tale by Hans Fallada, was published. Wintersteiner wrote the escort under the pseudonym Annemarie Steiner . In it she described the creation of the work as follows: "For my birthday in 1939, Hans Fallada surprised me with a present that made me - the nineteen-year-old - particularly happy: a fairy tale by his hand, which is now being presented to the public for the first time."

Marianne Wintersteiner's estate is in the library of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt .



  • Gunnar Müller-Waldeck : He was an encouragement - conversation with Annemarie Steiner (di Marianne Wintersteiner) . In: Hans Fallada - still. Reflections - memories - conversations - biographical splinters Elmenhorst / Vorpommern: Edition Pommern 2015. ISBN 978-3-939680-32-1
  • Marianne Wintersteiner: This is how it starts secretly - From Hans Fallada to Hannes Valentin. Elmenhorst / Vorpommern: Edition Pommern 2017. ISBN 978-3-939680-38-3

Web links


  1. ^ Gunnar Müller-Waldeck : Hans Fallada - still: reflections - memories - conversations - biographical splinters. Edition Pommern, Elmenhorst / Vorpommern 2016, ISBN 978-3-939680-32-1 .
  2. The Baroness. Bertha von Suttner. A narrative biography. Stieglitz, E. Händle, Mühlacker / Irdning / Styria 1984, ISBN 3-7987-0222-5 .
  3. Link to Kalliope