Marie-Luise Conen

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Marie-Luise Conen (* 1949 ) is a German psychologist , psychotherapist and teaching therapist .


After completing her university education, she trained with various personalities in systemic therapy , such as Tom Andersen , Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy , Luigi Boscolo, Gianfranco Cecchin , Salvador Minuchin , Peggy Penn, Virginia Satir , Gunter Schmidt , Steve de Shazer , Helm Stierlin , Paul Watzlawick and Carl Whitaker .


Marie-Luise Conen works in private practice as a couple and family therapist, as a supervisor and trainer in Berlin. Conen is the overall director of her Berlin Context Institute for Systemic Therapy and Counseling . From 1993 to 2000 she was chairwoman of the German Working Group for Family Therapy . She worked for 14 years in association functions and campaigned for the recognition of systemic therapy as psychological psychotherapy .


Fonts (selection)

  • Disobedience - a survival strategy. Professional helpers between reality and quality. Carl Auer, Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-89670-783-3
  • (with Hilde Weirich) Jewish families from the Middle Moselle. Life courses from 1714 to the present . Series: Emil Frank Institute Wittlich, writings of the Emil Frank Institute . Volume 11. Paulinus Verlag, Trier 2010, ISBN 978-3-7902-1377-5
  • (with Gianfranco Cecchin) When parents give up. Therapy and counseling in the event of conflicting separations between parents and children. . Carl Auer, Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 3-89670-629-2
  • (with Gianfranco Cecchin) How can I help you get rid of me? Therapy and counseling in coercive contexts. . Carl Auer, Heidelberg 2007, ISBN 3-89670-512-1
  • (Ed.): Where there is no hope, one must invent it. Outreach family therapy. Carl Auer, Heidelberg 2006 (3rd edition), ISBN 3-89670-563-6 (Conen has thus published a standard work in the field of family therapy )
  • Parents work in home education. Empirical study on the practice of parenting and family work. IGfH, Frankfurt / Main 1996 (3rd edition with current foreword), ISBN 3-925146-25-3
  • (as ed.): Family orientation as a basic attitude in inpatient educational assistance. Borgmann, Dortmund, 1992, ISBN 3-86145-042-9
  • Girls flee the family. Minerva, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-597-10454-1
  • Back to hope. Systemic work with “multi-problem families”. Carl Auer, Heidelberg 2015.

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