Marie Kundt

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Marie Kundt

Marie Julia Berta Emma Kundt (born February 4, 1870 in Neustrelitz , † April 2, 1932 in Berlin ) was a German photographer .


Marie Kundt was the daughter of an officer and the niece of August Kundt , the teacher of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen . Her brothers were the officers Hans Kundt and Jasper Kundt , her sister the deaconess Helene Kundt and her partner the photographer Carola Lohde .

After attending school in Merseburg, she completed an apprenticeship as a drawing teacher and passed the exam at the Berlin Art College in 1888. Internships and the exam to become a handicraft teacher followed. From 1890 she was a student at the Photography School of the Lette Association , from 1891 she was an assistant and finally became director in 1913, succeeding Dankmar Schultz-Hencke . She remained director until 1932. Marie Kundt was the first woman who was subordinate to a higher technical school for male and female students. She was significantly involved in the development of the training and professional profiles of technical assistants in medicine and metallography . Marie Kundt also worked with many companies and scientific institutions, including Hans Virchow from the Berlin Charité on visualization options in the areas of anatomy and physiology.

In 1912 Marie Kundt passed her master's examination, which enabled her to carry out training in the field of photography. In many lectures and articles, the manuscripts of which are preserved in the archive of the Lette Association, her specialist knowledge and her committed and knowledgeable view of the photographic profession are recorded. In 1895, Marie Kundt founded the "Club of Former Students of the Photographische Lehranstalt" - a network of women experts who maintained contact around the world, organized regular training courses and campaigned for professional development. In 1919, the first professional association of technical assistants, BOTAWI, “Federation of Organizations of Technical Assistants” emerged from the ranks of the “Club” and was headed by Marie Kundt until 1929.

In 1930 the BOTAWI was transferred to the REVETA "Reich Association of Technical Assistants", for whose chair Marie Kundt had won Reichstag member Thusnelda Lang-Brumann . Important developments and decisions on radiation protection , tariff eligibility and the clear classification of the professional profile could be advanced through the professional associations . The first legal regulation for the training of the MTA took place in Prussia in 1921.


  • Daguerre Medal from the Photographisches Verein Berlin, 1932


  • The technical assistant at medical institutes. F. Enke, Stuttgart 1928.
  • The woman in photography. in: German Camera Almanac. Berlin: Gustav Schmidt, 1905.
  • The macro photography. In: Handbook of biological working methods. Berlin; Vienna: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1924.


  • Marie Kundt / Ed. Club 1895 eV Berlin 1932. - 23 pp.
  • Schuster, Frida: Marie Kundt in memory. In: Reveta magazine (1932) H. 4.
  • Lang-Brumann, Thusnelda: Speech in memory of Marie Kundt. In: Reveta magazine (1932) H. 7.
  • Horst-Peter Wolff (Ed.): Biographical lexicon for the history of care. Berlin u. a. 1997.
  • Doris Obschernitzki: The woman her work! Lette-Verein: on the history of a Berlin institution, 1866–1986. Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-926175-06-0 .
  • Sebastian Ruff: Marie Kundt. In: Berlin - City of Women: courageous & feminine: 20 extraordinary biographies. Berlin: Verlag M - Stadtmuseum Berlin GmbH, 2016.
  • Jana Haase, Sebastian Ruff: Marie Kundt. In: Biographical Lexicon for Mecklenburg , Volume 9. Rostock: Schmidt-Roemhild, 2018.

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