Mario Krüger (General Manager)

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Mario Krüger (born April 22, 1935 in Hamburg ) is a German dramaturge , theater director and theater director .

Live and act

In 1960 he was the first dramaturge at the Theater der Stadt Bremen ( Albert Lippert ). In 1962 Krüger became chief dramaturge at the Stadttheater Bern , ( Walter Oberer ). In 1967 he worked as chief dramaturge and personal assistant to the general manager at the Stadttheater Kiel ( Joachim Klaiber ). Krüger carried out the development work for an independent children's and youth theater (on this: Alina Tiews : "It's light as a feather. The history of children's and youth theater in Kiel" Husum-Verlag 2014). In 1973, Krüger became director of the Lower Saxony North state theater in Wilhelmshaven . Krüger was largely responsible for the development of the children's and youth theater. Under his leadership, the theater-pedagogical model for children's and youth theater was introduced. From 1979 to 1991 he was general director of the State Theater in Braunschweig . He participated in the founding of the children's theater . and youth theater in Braunschweig and received a special award from the Deutsches Bühnenverein in 1981. He was general director at the Staatstheater Schwerin in 1991. In 1993 he worked as chief dramaturge and director at the Stadttheater Trier .

Individual evidence
