Marius Sala

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Marius Sala

Marius Sala (* 8. September 1932 in Vaşcău ; † 19th August 2018 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian linguist , Rumänist and Romance languages .

life and work

Sala attended the Samuil Vulcan High School in Beiuș from 1943 to 1951 . From 1951 he studied at the University of Bucharest . From 1953 he worked at the Linguistic Institute of the Romanian Academy . There he became researcher in 1955 and principal researcher in 1962. In 1967 he obtained his doctorate and headed the department for Romance languages ​​until 1995 and the institute from 1994. He has been a full member of the Romanian Academy since 2001. Sala was a corresponding member of several Spanish-speaking universities and visiting professor at the universities of Málaga (1968, 1970, 1978, 1979), Heidelberg (1971), Madrid (1978, 1981) Mexico City (1981), Cologne (1984), Frankfurt am Main ( 1992-1993), Oviedo (1994) and Udine (2002). He was a holder of the Romanian Order of Loyalty (Officer, 2009).


Historical phonetics

  • Contribuții la fonetica istorică a limbii române , Bucharest 1970 (dissertation)
    • (French) Contributions à la phonétique historique du roumain , Paris, 1976

Jewish Spanish

  • Estudios sobre el judeo-español de Bucarest , Mexico City 1970
  • Phonétique et phonologie du judéo-espagnol de Bucarest , The Hague 1971, Berlin / Boston 2017
  • Le judéo-espagnol , The Hague 1976

Voice contact

  • El problema de las lenguas en contacto , Mexico City 1988
    • (Romanian) Limbi în contact , Bucharest 1997
    • (Spanish) Lenguas en contacto , Madrid 1998

Romance and Romanian language history

  • L'unité des langues romanes , Bucharest 1996
  • De la latină la română , Bucharest 1998, 2006, 2012
    • French 1999; japanese 2001; spanish 2002; Italian 2004; english 2005; modern Greek 2008; macedonian 2012

Other works

  • Introducere în etimologia limbii române , Bucharest 1999, 2005
  • Contemporanul lor, contemporanul lui , Bucharest 2002
  • Aventurile unor cuvinte româneşti , Bucharest 2005
  • Portrete , Suceava 2006
  • 101 cuvinte moștenite, împrumutate și create , Bucharest 2010


  • Limba română, limbă romanică. Omagiu acad. Marius Sala la împlinirea a 75 de ani , Bucharest 2007
  • De ce am devenit lingvist? Omagiu academicianului Marius Sala , Bucharest 2012

Web links