Markus Groß (Linguist)

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Markus Groß (* 1962 in Hüttersdorf ) is a German linguist . He is professor in the field of European Studies and Languages ​​at the University of Kaiserslautern in Zweibrücken in the business administration department .

Before joining the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences (formerly Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences) from 1993, he taught phonetics at Saarbrücken University for three years . He also took part in a trainee program at Deutsche Bank for a year, was an interpreter and translator and lecturer for German at Kasetsart University in Bangkok for two and a half years , and worked for a year in the specialist placement service of the Saarbrücken employment office. He is one of two contact persons in the business administration department for semesters and internships abroad .

Research and cooperation

  • Languages, cultures and economic areas (Groß is a member of the research group on the history of early Islam around Christoph Luxenberg and Karl-Heinz Ohlig at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken, " Saarbrücker Schule ")
  • Extraterrestrial languages ​​(Groß is one of the leading experts in Klingon and is co-founder of the annual Klingon language seminar in Germany)



  • Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (ed.): Schlaglichter - The first two Islamic centuries. (= Inârah. 3). Hans Schiler Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-89930-224-0 .
  • Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (ed.): From the Koran to Islam - Writings on the early history of Islam and the Koran. (= Inârah. 4). Hans Schiler Verlag, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-89930-269-1 .
  • Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (ed.): The emergence of a world religion I - From the Koranic movement to early Islam. (= Inârah. 5). Hans Schiler Verlag, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-89930-318-6 .
  • Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (ed.): The emergence of a world religion II - From the Koranic movement to early Islam. (= Inârah. 6). Hans Schiler Verlag, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-89930-345-2 .
  • Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (Ed.): The emergence of a world religion III - the holy city of Mecca - a literary fiction. (= Inârah. 7). Hans Schiler Verlag, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-89930-418-3 .
  • Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (ed.): The emergence of a world religion IV - Mohammed - history or myth? (= Inârah. 8). Hans Schiler Verlag, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-89930-100-7 .
  • Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (Hrsg.): The emergence of a world religion V - The Koran as a tool of rule (= Inârah. 9). Verlag Schiler & Mücke, Berlin, Tübingen 2020, ISBN 978-3-89930-215-8 .


  • Buddhist Influences in Early Islam? In: Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (Ed.): Schlaglichter: The first two Islamic centuries. Inârah, writings on the early history of Islam and the Koran. Volume 3. Institute for Research into the Early History of Islam and the Koran. Schiler, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-89930-224-0 .
  • New ways of researching the Koran from a comparative linguistic and cultural studies perspective In: Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (Ed.): The emergence of a world religion I - From the Koranic movement to early Islam. (= Inârah. 5). Hans Schiler Verlag, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-89930-318-6 .
  • The Koran - not a European text. More than one review of Angelika Neuwirth: "The Koran as a text of late antiquity - a European approach" In: Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (ed.): The emergence of a world religion III. The holy city of Mecca - a literary fiction. Schiler, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-89930-418-3 .
  • Comments on Jewish Christianity, Syrian theology and the meaningfulness of historical categories In: Markus Groß, Karl-Heinz Ohlig (ed.): The emergence of a world religion IV. Mohammed - history or myth? Schiler, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-89930-100-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Inârah. Retrieved December 6, 2017 .
  2. qepHom. Retrieved December 6, 2017 .