Markus Wissensner

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Markus Wissensner (* 1965 in Ellwangen ) is a German lawyer and a judge at the Federal Administrative Court since 2012 .


After completing his legal training, he became a judge at the Stuttgart Administrative Court in early 1998 . In the spring of 1999 he received his doctorate from the University of Tübingen on the subject of justiciable federalism . In 2000 he was seconded to the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice for three years and then to the Federal Constitutional Court as a research assistant for several years . In 2006, while the secondment to the Constitutional Court was still in progress, Markus Wissenner was appointed judge at the Baden-Württemberg Administrative Court. At the beginning of April 2012 he took up the position of judge at the Federal Administrative Court.

In the employee commentary on the Federal Constitutional Court Act, edited by Dieter C. Umbach , Thomas Clemens and Franz-Wilhelm Dollinger , he wrote the section The Federal Constitutional Court, the Control of Specialized Court Decisions and Administrative Jurisdiction . He is co-editor of the administrative sheets for Baden-Württemberg .

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