Martin I. Reiman

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Martin Ira Reiman , called Marty Reiman (* 1953 ), is an American mathematician.

Reiman graduated from Cornell University (bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics in 1974) and received his PhD in operations research from Stanford University in 1977 (dissertation: Queuing Networks in Heavy Traffic ). He then worked at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill until his retirement in 2015 .

Reiman deals with applied probability theory, in particular the analysis and optimization of various stochastic systems such as queues and warehouse systems with applications in industrial manufacturing, computer technology and communication. In particular, he dealt with asymptotic limit values ​​(hydrodynamic and diffusion limit cases)

He was the Associate Editor of Mathematics of Operations Research and the Annals of Probability . He is a Fellow of INFORMS and chaired its Applied Probability Society.

In 2016 he and Ruth J. Williams received the John von Neumann Theory Prize .

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