Marinus I.

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Marinus I (sometimes erroneously also called Martin II ; * in Gallese ; † May 15, 884 in Rome) was Pope from 882 until his death .

Marinus was the son of a priest named Palumbo from Umbria . Before being elected Pope, he held the office of Bishop of Cerveteri . He was the first pontiff to have previously been bishop of a city other than Rome. The change from one bishopric to another, the so-called translation, was only allowed in rare exceptional cases according to the canon law applicable at the time . Before Marinus, only deacons of the diocese of Rome had ascended the papal throne.

In his brief pontificate , Marinus put an end to the conciliatory policy of his predecessor John VIII towards Photios I , the Patriarch of Constantinople , and repeated his excommunication in 882 . Marinus I appointed five cardinals , including the later Popes Hadrian III. and Stephan V. He also reinstated the Bishop of Porto , who later became Pope Formosus , who had been deposed by John VIII .


Web links

Commons : Marinus I.  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
John VIII Pope
Hadrian III.