Martin Lange (doctor)

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Martin Lange (born September 12, 1753 in Kronstadt ; † July 17, 1792 in Bad Bodok ) was a Transylvanian doctor and member of the " Leopoldina ."

Martin Lange was two years old when the plague broke out in Kronstadt in 1755. The illness was brought to Kronstadt by an unsuspecting nurse from the Tömös hospital. Martin Lange studied medicine in Leipzig, Göttingen, Vienna, Tyrnau and Erlangen. He then returned to Kronstadt and developed a versatile activity as a doctor and hygienist. He dealt with eye diseases, with the infectious fever and with the plague that struck Transylvania several times. He also made folk medicine, the training of midwives and veterinary medicine his tasks. In folk medicine, he looked for remedies against infectious fever and against the plague. In 1791, Lange set up a "plan to improve midwifery institutions in the Burzenland districts" and called for the introduction of a six-week course for midwives with a final exam. He wanted to counteract the poor supply of midwives in the communities.

Lange was accepted into the "Leopoldina" in 1789. He was nicknamed ANTIPHANES. Among his most significant achievements are his observations on the epidemic jaundice. He experienced this mass illness in Kronstadt in the years 1784–1785. The work on this disease was published in 1791 in the 8th volume of the " Nova acta physicomedica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolina naturae curiosorum " under the title "Historia Icterorum Epdemicorum". The president of the "Leopoldina" at that time was the physician Johann Christian Schreber .


  • On the most common cattle diseases in Transylvania and the most hasty means of remedying them , Grand Master Sibiu (1790)
  • Historia Icterorum Epidemicorum (1791)
  • Historia Baryocoeiae haereditariae binis familiae illustratae


  • Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the imperial Leopoldino-Carolinische German academy of natural scientists during the second century of its existence. Friedrich Frommann , Jena 1860, p. 236 digitized
  • Valeriu Lucian Bologa : O lucrare medicalǎ ardeleană puțin cunoscută din secolul al XVIII − lea ( A little-known Transylvanian medical work from the 18th century ), in: Studii şi cercetări de biologie (Studies and research in biology) , Vol. I, Bucharest 1955, p. 262.
  • Arnold Huttmann and Anna Ziriakus: Istoricul hepatitei epidemice (History of the epidemic jaundice) , in: Revista medicală (Medical Journal) , Târgu Mureş, December 10, 1964.
  • Arnold Huttmann: Medicine in old Transylvania , Hora Hermannstadt / Sibiu 2000, p. 305.

Individual evidence

  1. Georg Sticker : Treatises from epidemic history and epidemic theory , Volume I: The plague , first part: The history of the plague , Alfred Töpelmann Gießen 1908, pages 246 + 247.
  2. Arnold Huttmann : The development of the medical profession in Transylvania, in: ibid .: Medicine in Ancient Transylvania , Hora Hermann / Sibiu 2000 S. 55th
  3. Member entry of Martin Lange at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on November 22, 2017.