Martin M. Atalla

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Martin Atalla (even John or Mohammed M. Atalla * 4. August 1924 in Port Said , Egypt ; † the 30th December 2009 in Atherton , California ) was an engineer and entrepreneur in the field of semiconductor technology and computer - data security .

In recognition of his work for the Personal Identification Number (PIN) system of the Information Security Management System , he was also known as the "father of the PIN".

life and work

Born in Port Said, Egypt, M. Atalla first studied at the University of Cairo in Egypt, where he received his Bachelor of Science degree. Then he went to the USA to attend the Purdue University engineering study. There he received his master's degree ( Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ) in 1947 and received his doctorate in 1949 .

After completing his degree and doctorate, Atalla became an employee of Bell Laboratories . He researched among other things, the use of silica as a protective layer of silicon - semiconductor devices . This research led to the development of the first metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) in 1960 with Dawon Kahng , who worked under Atalla at Bell Labs. Since then, the MOSFET has become the central component of today's integrated circuits , such as semiconductor memories and microprocessors. In 1961 Atalla co-founded Hewlett-Packard Associates and in 1969 he joined Fairchild Camera and Instruments .

In 1973 he founded the Atalla Corporation , which dealt with security problems in banking and financial institutions. He invented the so-called "Atalla-Box", a security system that still secures a large part of the transactions of ATMs today . Atalla also invented the PIN system at this time, which has become the standard for identification in the banking industry, among others. In 1987 Atalla Corporation merged with Tandem Computers .

Atalla retired in 1990. But it wasn't long before several executives of large banks persuaded him to work on developing security systems for the Internet . They were concerned that without innovations in the security industry, there would be no useful framework for electronic business transactions . As a result of these activities, he founded TriStrata (1996) and A4 Systems . M. Atalla last lived in Atherton , California .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bo Lojek: The history of semiconductor engineering . Jumper. Berlin / Heidelberg, 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-34257-1 , p. 321 f.
  2. Martin M. Atalla. Computer History Museum, accessed July 6, 2010 .