Martin Michalski

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Martin Michalski (born February 3, 1927 , † April 21, 2008 ) was a German magician and author of numerous magic boxes and non-fiction books.


Michalski began practicing magic when he was ten . He was injured and lost a leg in World War II . After the war he started at Ravensburger AG; Initially, he continued to work in his main occupation as an engineer for turbines at Escher Wyss AG . As part of his publishing work, he developed around 50 different magic boxes and wrote more than 15 specialist books.

Michalski was voted “ Writer of the Year 1988” by the organization “ Magical Circle of Germany ” . In 2005, the then 78-year-old received the Ludwig Döbler Award for his life's work.

In 2008 Martin Michalski died at the age of 81.

Works (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Laureate in 1988
  2. Ravensburger Wochenblatt of July 14, 2005 ( Memento of the original of April 23, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links