Martin Mombaur

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Martin Mombaur (born August 2, 1938 in Cologne , † February 9, 1990 in Göhrde ) was a German politician ( Alliance 90 / The Greens ). From 1982 to 1985 he was a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament .


Mombaur attended elementary and secondary school in Frechen until 1957 . He then worked in administration until 1967 and attended an evening grammar school in Saarbrücken from 1966 to 1969 , where he graduated from high school. He then studied philosophy, history, political science and sociology for nine semesters at the Georg-August University in Göttingen . From 1974 to 1975 he held a teaching position at the University of Göttingen, and since 1975 he has been a lecturer at the education center Jagdschloss Göhrde.

From 1977 he was a member and press spokesman of the citizens 'initiative environmental protection Lüchow-Dannenberg and in 1980 he became federal chairman of the Federal Association of Citizens' Initiatives Environmental Protection (BBU).


In January 1978 Mombaur was co-founder of the Lüchow-Dannenberg district association of the Green List Environmental Protection (GLU) and was elected district chairman. In the state elections on June 4, 1978 in Lower Saxony , he ran as the top candidate from Gorleben , which was symbolic of the anti-nuclear movement. The GLU achieved 17.8 percent in the constituency, but only 3.9 percent nationwide and thus failed to pass the five percent hurdle .

In the election for the 10th Lower Saxony State Parliament on March 21, 1982 the party "The Greens" - as the GLU was called since January 1981 - received 6.5 percent and Mombaur with ten party friends succeeded for the second time after Baden-Württemberg in 1980 as a party " The Greens "move into a state parliament. He was a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament until 1985, where he was chairman of the parliamentary group from 1982 to 1983. Mombaur was a staunch advocate of the rotation principle within the Green Party at the time and represented it in a constitutional lawsuit before the Lower Saxony State Court in Bückeburg. The latter decided on June 5, 1985 that the voluntary waiver of a mandate by a member of parliament was compatible with the state constitution, but not the principle of rotation. Then Martin Mombaur left the Lower Saxony state parliament in 1985 with a voluntary waiver of his mandate.


  • In parliament and on the street - the dual strategy of the green Lower Saxony. In: Jörg R. Mettke (Ed.): The Greens. Government partner of tomorrow? SPIEGEL book, Rowohlt 1982.


  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. Edited by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Lower Saxony State Parliament, Hanover 1996, p. 262.