Martin Ramm

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Martin Ramm (* 1971 in Bendorf ) is a German Roman Catholic priest of the St. Petrus Society (FSSP).


He is the oldest of Walter Ramm's four children and spent his childhood and youth in Abtsteinach . Around 1980 his father founded Aktion Leben . After graduating from high school , Martin entered the St. Petrus seminary in 1990 . Hans Hermann Groër ordained him on June 29, 1996 as a priest. He heads the personal parish of St. Maximilian Kolbe in the canton of Zurich . The Bishop of Chur , Vitus Huonder , appointed him Episcopal Vicar on June 30, 2015 for matters relating to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite .

Publications (selection)

  • I will go to the altar of God. The mass explained in its rites . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2018, ISBN 3-96316-005-5 .
    • Přistoupím k oltáři Božímu. Vysvětlení obřadů mše svaté podle misálu z r. 1962 . Matice Cyrilometodějská, Olomouc 2007, ISBN 978-80-7266-280-7 .
    • Az Úr oltárához megyek. A szentmise rítusainak magyarázata . Don Bosco, Budapest 2008, ISBN 978-963-9455-87-0 .
  • A végső dolgok . Don Bosco, Budapest 2009, ISBN 978-963-9956-06-3 .
  • Complete for every day. According to the extraordinary form of the Roman rite . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2015, ISBN 3-96316-006-3 .
  • Sacrament of the altar. Preparation for first holy communion . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2016, ISBN 3-96316-011-X .
  • Rituals parvum. Small ritual based on the extraordinary form of the Roman rite . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2016, ISBN 3-96316-018-7 .
  • Ordo Missae. The order of St. Mass according to the extraordinary form of the Roman rite . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2016, ISBN 3-96316-017-9 .
  • Confessional mirror. Practical confessional aid for adults . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2016, ISBN 3-96316-019-5 .
  • Popular Missals. The complete Roman missal according to the 1962 Latin / German order . Priestly Brotherhood St. Petrus eV - St. Petrus Association, Thalwill 2017, ISBN 978-3-9524756-1-4 .
  • OREMUS. Catholic prayer book . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2017, ISBN 3-96316-016-0 .
  • Logic of love. Basic and specific information on marriage, family and being human . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2017, ISBN 3-96316-012-8 .
  • Learning booklet for acolytes based on the extraordinary form of the Roman rite . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2017, ISBN 3-96316-020-9 .
  • Little Catechism of the Catholic Faith . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2017, ISBN 3-96316-013-6 .
  • My Jesus Mercy. Confession book for children . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2018, ISBN 3-96316-015-2 .
  • Holy Land - companion in the footsteps of Jesus. Pilgrimage in the footsteps of Jesus . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2018, ISBN 3-96316-008-X .
  • Holy Rome - pilgrimages in the footsteps of the apostles Peter and Paul . Society of St. Petrus, Thalwill 2018, ISBN 978-3-96316-003-5 .
  • A godsend. On the trail of the Christmas secret . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2019, ISBN 3-96316-007-1 .
  • The last things . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2019, ISBN 3-96316-021-7 .
  • Holy calling. The lower and higher orders are explained in their rites according to the traditional form . Verlag St. Petrus GmbH, Opfenbach 2019, ISBN 3-96316-009-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. Our team
  2. Chur: Father Martin Ramm first episcopal vicar for “old rite” in the German-speaking area