Martin pond

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Martin Teich (born November 30, 1911 in Dresden , † April 2, 2004 in Offenbach am Main ) was a German meteorologist . Teich became known to a wider public in the 1970s through weather forecasts in broadcasts on ZDF .

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After graduating from high school, Teich began to study mathematics, physics and geography at the Technical University of Dresden . From 1936 he worked as a meteorologist for the Reich Weather Service . During the Second World War , Teich was used in a weather reconnaissance squadron and was taken prisoner by the British shortly before the end of the war.

After his release, Teich worked in the meteorological office for Northwest Germany from November 1945, but for the sake of his wife Edith moved to Halle (Saale) in 1946 . For a few years he stayed there as a projectionist. In 1950 he was employed by the meteorological service of the GDR in Potsdam . Teich received his doctorate in 1954 from the Humboldt University in Berlin .

Teich reacted to the political pressure in the GDR by moving to the Federal Republic in 1960 . Teich settled down with his wife and three children in the Offenbach district of Bürgel and was able to continue his professional career from November 1960 at the German Weather Service, which is also based in Offenbach .

Martin Teich died on April 2, 2004 after a long illness at the age of 92.

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