Martina Sigg

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Martina Sigg (2019)

Martina Sigg (born December 20, 1960 in Schaffhausen ) is a Swiss politician ( FDP ). She has been a member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Aargau since 2007 .


Martina Sigg was born in Schaffhausen as the youngest of four siblings. From 1980 to 1986 she studied pharmacy at the ETH Zurich and received her doctorate in 1997 at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) on " Stochastic and non-stochastic effects of beta hot particles in tissue".

In 1990 she and her partner took over the Schinznach-Dorf pharmacy . Since 2013 she has also been running the Süssbach pharmacy in Brugg as a joint project. She participates in the training of pharmaceutical assistants in the canton of Aargau in her own company and as a lecturer for inter-company courses and as an expert and responsible for the final practical exams.

As a member of the Board of Trustees of the Aargau Cancer Register, board member of the Hospice Association and board member of the Medical Center Brugg, as member of the Board of Trustees of the Von Effinger Foundation and President of the Board of Directors of Effingerhort AG, she is committed to high-quality healthcare.

Sigg lives and works in Schinznach-Dorf with her partner. They have a daughter together.


Sigg has been president of the local FDP Schinznach-Dorf party since 2007. In 2010 she was elected to the Grand Council of the Canton of Aargau. She is a permanent member of the commission for health and social affairs and head of department for health and social affairs of the FDP Aargau, member of the parliamentary committee and the management of the FDP Aargau. Since 2014 she has presided over the FDP Women Aargau.

Sigg is committed to affordable, efficient and high quality healthcare. She is running as a national councilor for the FDP Aargau in the 2019 National Council elections.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Martina Sigg, Bettina Rohr: Martina Sigg's website. FDP Switzerland, June 18, 2019, accessed on June 18, 2019 .
  2. FDP councilor and pharmacist Martina Sigg explains how her shop survives in the country. In: Aargauer Zeitung. October 18, 2018, accessed June 27, 2019 .