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math.h is a header file in the Standard C Library of the C programming language . It was developed for mathematical functions. The programming language C ++ also uses the functions to ensure the compatibility of C to C ++, and declares them in the header file cmath (used there without the file extension “.h”).

All functions that read in or output an angle work with radians . Most functions work with floating point numbers . Mathematical functions with integer values ( Integer work) as abv, labs, div or ldiv, are instead in the header file stdlib.h represented.

Functions up to C95

The following functions were declared in the standards up to and including C95 .

Surname description Mathematical formulation
acos Arccosine
asin Arcsine
atan Arctangent
atan2 "Arctangent" with two arguments
ceil Rounding function
cos cosine
cosh Hyperbolic cosine
exp Exponential function
fabs Amount function
floor Full part function
fmod Executes the modulo function for floating point numbers
frexp Divides a floating point number into a factor and a power with base 2
ldexp Multiplies the first parameter by 2 raised to the power of the second parameter
log Natural logarithm
log10 Logarithm to base 10
modf Splits a floating point number into two numbers, before and after the decimal point
pow Exponentiates the first with the second parameter
sin Sine
sinh Hyperbolic sine
sqrt square root
tan tangent
tanh Hyperbolic tangent

C99 functions

With the C99 standard , math.h was expanded to include the following functions.

Surname description Mathematical formulation
acosh Hyperbolic areakosine
asinh Hyperbolic area
atanh Hyperbolic areatangens
cbrt Cube root
copysign(x,y) returns the value of x with the sign of y back
erf Error function
erfc Returns the complementary error of x back
exp2(x) Power 2 with the transferred parameter
expm1(x) Returns the value of exp () - 1 return
fdim(x,y) Positive difference
fma(x,y,z) Multiplied and added
fmax(x,y) maximum
fmin(x,y) minimum
hypot(x,y) hypotenuse
ilogb how logb, however, gives intback (int)logb(x)
lgamma Logarithm of the gamma function
llrint Rounding function
lrint Rounding function
llround Rounding function
lround Rounding function
log1p(x) Natural logarithm of 1 + x
log2 Logarithm to base 2
logb Returns the integer exponent of a floating point number as a floating point number
nan(s) A NaN produce
nearbyint Rounds floating point numbers to the nearest integer
nextafter(x,y) Returns the next representable number after x (direction y )
nexttoward(x,y) Just like nextafter, except for y , is always long doublereturned as
remainder(x,y) Remainder of a division
remquo(x,y,p) Same as remainder, but stores the quotient (as int) as the destination of the pointer p
rint Rounds to the nearest integer, depending on the rounding mode, returns a floating point number
round commercial rounding function
scalbln(x,y) x * FLT_RADIXy ( y is long)
scalbn(x,y) x * FLT_RADIXy ( y is int)
tgamma Gamma function
trunc Trims a floating point number, i.e. H. rounds "towards zero"


1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <math.h>
4 int main() {
5     double a = 5, b = 4;
6     double c = pow(a, b);
7     printf("%f hoch %f ist %f\n", a, b, c);
8 }

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