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Kanji for the Japanese word sanchin

Sanchin ( Japanese サ ン チ ン also 三 戦 ) is a kata in karate . It was brought back from China by Higaonna Kanryō (Chinese origin: style of the 18 Arhats , Japanese 十八 羅漢拳 , Jūhachi-rakan-ken ). The name of the kata is often translated as "three battles", which means the body, consciousness and mind. Like Tenshō , Sanchin is also a basic kata (kihon kata).


There are two versions of the Kata Sanchin: an older version with two built-in rotations and a modified version, both by Chōjun Miyagi , with pure running back and forth.

Higaonna changed the original, pure open-hand version into the form known today, in which the closed fist is mainly used. Sanchin contains essential elements of Gōjū-ryū . Here you learn to concentrate your strength through long breathing. In addition, the muscles are strengthened.

Sanchin in Uechi-Ryu Karate Do

The basis of the Uechi-ryū is the Sanchin Kata. Uechi Kanbun , the founder of Uechi-ryū Karatedō, used to say: "Everything is Sanchin" and "Sanchin alone deserves 10 years of training" . When Master Uechi was studying in China , he only studied Sanchin for three years before he was taught any other kata. Sanchin should therefore never be changed or omitted during training.

Sanchin with Kitae (1963)

Goal of the kata

Sanchin serves to develop basic mental and physical (physical) principles. Therefore the student in Sanchin should not look for techniques of self-defense , although these are very finely hidden within the Kata movements. In the Sanchin Kata, the student is tested for his safe stance. In addition, it is tested how well the student can absorb blows and kicks. This skill is learned slowly in the Kitae (hardening exercises) and enables the student to take very hard blows later without being damaged. It's not just about toughening up. Kitae is also practiced to loosen up the muscles. Often the blows are too hard. It is essential to ensure that the person exercising is not harmed.

See also



  • Andreas Ginger: Goju-Ryu Kata. Video production Geupel ( DVD , no age limit , approx. 100 min)
  • Mario Holderbach: Goju-Ryu-Kata. Best Fitness Solutions (DVD, no age limit)

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