Maud Mannoni

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Maud Mannoni

Maud Mannoni , b. Magdalena van der Spoel (born October 23, 1923 in Kortrijk , † March 15, 1998 in Paris ), was a Belgian criminologist and psychoanalyst .


Maud Mannoni grew up in what was then the Dutch colony of Ceylon for the first ten years of her childhood. She then went to high school in Amsterdam and Antwerp. She studied psychiatry and criminology in Brussels. By Françoise Dolto she was introduced to the child analysis. In 1948 Mannoni went to Paris and got to know the work of Jacques Lacan there.

Mannoni specialized in mental illnesses in children and adolescents, in particular in psychoses and child deficits. In 1969, together with Robert Lefort , she founded an alternative psychiatric facility in Bonneuil-sur-Marne for children and young people in need. It was a place to live and for experimental structures for autistic , psychotic or retarded children and adolescents. There Mannoni practiced a therapy in which the community was of central importance. She herself called it a concept of broken institutions . Her work was based on alternative therapy options such as those developed by Fernand Deligny in the Cevennes.

In relation to the field of antipsychiatry , she occupies a prominent position among Jacques Lacan's students . She was married to Octave Mannoni , who also wrote a biography about Sigmund Freud .


Maud Mannoni was a member of the École Freudienne in Paris

Publications (selection)

  • L'enfant arriéré et sa mere . Paris 1964
    • German edition: The backward child and his mother . Olten, Freiburg 1972
  • Le psychiatre, son "fou" et la psychoanalysis . Seuil, Paris 1970
    • German edition: The psychiatrist, his patient and psychoanalysis. Dedicated to Jacques Lacan. Syndicate , Frankfurt am Main 1983 ISBN 3-434-46008-X
  • "Shit Education". From anti-psychiatry to anti-education . With contributions by Robert Lefort, Francoise Petitot Fort and others. Florence Stevenin. Syndicate, Frankfurt am Main 1976
  • A place to live. The children of Bonneuil . Syndicate, Frankfurt am Main 1978.


  • Theresia Erich: Maud Mannoni . In: Gerhard Stumm, Alfred Pritz (Ed.): Personal Lexicon of Psychotherapy . Vienna, New York: Springer 2005, 306f, ISBN 3-211-83818-X
  • Roland Kaufhold / Judith Roedel: Bonneuil or: The Drama of the Backward Child. On the death of the child analyst Maud Mannoni (Ceylon, October 22, 1923 - Paris, March 15, 1998) , psychosocial no. 72 (2/1998), pp. 121–127.
  • Judith Roedel: The therapeutic educational experiment Bonneuil and psychoanalysis in France . Eschborn near Frankfurt am Main: specialist bookstore for psychology, Verl.-Abt., 1986
  • Judith Roedel / Wagner: These children who are called autistic. In: Roland Kaufhold (Ed.): Approaching Bruno Bettelheim , Mainz: Grünewald, 1994

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