Mauro Daccordi

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Mauro Daccordi (born October 24, 1946 in Grezzana ) is an Italian entomologist . His research focus is the family of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae).


Daccordi has a degree in biology and a PhD in evolutionary biology and taxonomy .

He taught at the Agricultural Technical Institute in Verona, worked as a curator at the zoological department of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona and as a curator at the entomological department of the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino . He has been retired since 2005.

Daccordi's interest is in the global biodiversity of leaf beetles. In particular, he was involved in research projects on the leaf beetle fauna of China , Madagascar , Italy , the Afrotropic region and the Neotropical region . In addition to numerous works on the Chrysomelidae, he published eight scientific papers on the hoverfly family (Syrphidae), one article on the weapon fly family (Stratiomyidae) and various articles on various entomological topics.

In 1988 he was co-editor of The Macdonald Encyclopedia of Butterflies and Moths with Adriano Zanetti and Paolo Triberti . In 1989 he published the work Studi sulla Palude del Busatello (Veneto - Lombardia) together with Zanetti . In 1998 he published the Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Chrysomelidae together with Maurizio Biondi and David George Furth . In 2005 the two-volume work Results of the Zoological Missions to Australia of the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin, Italy was published , which Daccordi edited together with Pier Mauro Giachino .

Daccordi has made excursions in Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Austria), the Middle East (Jordan, Syria, Turkey), the Far East (India, China, Philippines), South America (Chile, Argentina, Venezuela), in Australia, New Caledonia and New Zealand.

There are numerous duplicates from Daccordi's collection in the beetle collection of the State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart .

Dedication names

The species Macrocoma daccordii , Himalayoligus daccordii , Eulasia daccordii , Microselia daccordii , Bembidion daccordii , Cratoferonia daccordii , Orthonevra daccordii , Anodocheilus daccordii and Microchrysa daccordii are named after Mauro Daccordi .

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