Max Regenberg

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Max Regenberg (* 1951 in Bremerhaven ) is a German photographer .

Max Regenberg, photographer, in the photo collection of the SK Foundation Cologne, 2016

life and work

Max Regenberg initially completed a classic training course as an advertising photographer in Cologne from 1974 to 1976 . In 1977 he emigrated to Canada and lived there for a few years. During his stay in North America for several years, he came across the work of August Sander at an exhibition , which strongly influenced his artistic development. The encounter with the North American culture and media world was ultimately the trigger for his later artistic work. Fascinated by the flood of images, he began to photograph and document posters and advertising messages.

From 1980, after his return to Germany, he devoted himself to work on the long-term photographic documentary study “The human image in advertising in public space”. In the study he deals with the research of the mainly mass-produced, technical image and its effect in public space.

He has been working as a freelance advertising photographer since 1988.

Max Regenberg represents a free-standing, own position in his work, which for years has continuously revolved around one topic: large-format posters in public spaces. For his own photographic works, the representatives of the so-called New Topographics and the new American color photography such as Robert Adams , Hilla Becher and Joel Sternfeld served as a template in terms of motif and aesthetic form.

Max Regenberg is therefore one of the most important contemporary documentary photographers. His posters are valued by collectors for their aesthetic impact and their social documentary value.

However, Max Regenberg is not only a photographer of large posters. He also collects these himself. His collection now includes more than 6000 pieces of such large posters. Today he lives and works as a freelance artist in Cologne.

Solo exhibitions

  • 2000: Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn
  • 2001: Gothaer Art Forum, Cologne
  • 2002: Municipal Gallery Iserlohn
  • 2003: Moyland Castle Museum


  • 2001: Peter Keetmann Prize, Hamburg
  • 2002: Toyota Photo Art Prize, Cologne

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Max Regenberg at Fotodoks ( Memento of the original from March 23, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. "Bilder von Plaketen" , PlakatJournal 2/1997, pp. 15-19
  3. ^ "New Talents": The hopeful youth at Art Cologne. K.WEST-Das Feuilleton in NRW, November 2006
  4. Max Regenberg on Photography-Now
  5. "Poster - Builder of Modern Reality"
  6. "Bilder von Plaketen" , PlakatJournal 1/1997, pp. 14-17
  7. a b c entry on f5,6, see web links
  8. a b c Portrait of the artist at Galerie Thomas Zander, see web link