Hans Ernst Dietrich from Werder

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Hans Ernst Dietrich von Werder (born September 23, 1740 on the Rogäsen manor ; † June 22, 1800 ibid) was a minister at the General Directorate .


Rogäsen manor around 1860, Alexander Duncker collection

Hans Ernst Dietrich von Werder was born on the manor in the village of Rogäsen as the son of Second Lieutenant Hans Christoph von Werder (1705–1741) and Eleonora Sophia, born von Schi (e) ck (1708–1757). He comes from the Brandenburg noble family von Werder and spent his childhood and early youth in Genthin , where he was brought up by his mother under the tutelage of Captain Albrecht Ludwig von Britzke .

He attended the Knight's Academy in Brandenburg Cathedral and joined the Leib-Karabinier-Regiment in Rathenow in 1754 , with whom he took part in the Seven Years War until the Peace of Hubertusburg in 1763. In 1764 he said goodbye to the army and devoted himself to the management of his Rogäsen estate, which he expanded over the years by purchasing adjacent properties.

In the following years he was elected to the district administrator of the Ziesar district and in 1774 he was appointed canon of the Brandenburg monastery. In 1777 the Magdeburg provincial administration gave him the supervision of the reclamation of the Fiener Bruch . The project was initiated by Frederick the Great . The Fiener Damm , the crossing through the Bruch along the Heerstraße Brandenburg – Magdeburg , an important route between Berlin and Magdeburg, should also be reinforced.

In 1781 von Werder was appointed a secret finance councilor in the general management and in September was appointed to Berlin. There he was appointed Minister of State, War and Conducting Minister in the General Directorate on December 31st. The minister is initially responsible for the Kurmark , later Magdeburg , Halberstadt and the Altmark .

On October 2, 1786, he was raised to the baron status by King Friedrich Wilhelm II (according to Wolfgang and Albert von Werder, however, Klaproth's reference to the increase in status is an error). Soon afterwards he was appointed head of the General Accise and Customs Department and after the change of government, von Werder was entrusted with the review of tax transactions and the abolition of the French excise administration .

In 1790/91 he chaired the Immediatkommission for the investigation of the factories, but at the end of 1791 he involuntarily changed from the finance department to the provincial department and took over the administration of the Kurmark as well as the responsibility for the treasury matters.

Werder was a knight of the Red Eagle Order and governor of Fischhausen .

Marriages and children

Werder was married three times.

  • 1764: with Sophie Charlotte (1743–1775), b. from Werder ad H. Kade;
  • 1776: Wilhelmine Johanne (1759–1782), b. von Witzleben ;
  • 1783: (in the Berlin Cathedral) Elisabeth Luise Sophie (1742 (?) - 1811), b. from Printzen, used Countess von Wartensleben . After 1790 this marriage was divorced “as a result of proven infidelity of the wife”. She was the daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm von Printzen .

The third marriage remained childless, from the first and second marriage he had five sons and nine daughters, including:

  • Hans Ernst Christoph (1771–1837), Prussian lieutenant general
  • Karl († 1813), Prussian colonel, commander of the light cavalry guard regiment
  • Friedrich Julius Dietrich (born January 27, 1781; † January 19, 1818), Prussian major ∞ Freiin Caroline Gottliebe Elisabeth von der Goltz
  • Johann Wilhelm, Prussian Rittmeister ∞ Henriette Schöndorfer


  • CAL Klaproth : Directory of the Real Secret State Ministers and the Secret State Secretaries, in: Ders: Der Kgl.-Prussische and Churfürstlich Brandenburgische Real Geheime Staats-Rath, Berlin 1805, p. 476f.
  • Albert von Werder : News about the von Werder family from the houses Woltersdorf, Brettin, Kade and Rogäsen, Merseburg 1864, pp. 59–65.
  • Wolfgang von Werder : History of the Brandenburg-Magdeburg family of Werder, connected with news from the other noble clans of Werder's name, Vol. 4, Görlitz 1941, pp. 738-751.
  • Ernst Heinrich Kneschke , New General German Nobility Lexicon , Volume 9, S.535


  • Curriculum vitae in: Secret State Archives, I. HA, Rep. 125, No. 5275.

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