Ziesar's circle
Cities of the Ziesar district around 1790 in the Duchy of Magdeburg (blue), background: map of today's Saxony-Anhalt (gray) |
The Ziesarsche circle , also circle Ziesar was from 1773 to 1816 existing district in the northern part of the Brandenburg-Prussian Duchy of Magdeburg in the Kingdom of Prussia . The area of the Ziesarschen Kreis was separated from the Zauchescher Kreis der Kurmark in 1773 and incorporated into the Duchy of Magdeburg. In contrast, the Luckenwaldische Kreis , which had previously belonged to the Duchy of Magdeburg, came to the Kurmark. The Ziesarsche Kreis was incorporated into the Jerichow I district in the district reform of 1816 .
When King Frederick II (the Great) mustered his troops in Pietzpuhl in 1772, he noticed that the greater part of the Zauchian district of the Kurmark was closer to Magdeburg than to Berlin, and vice versa, that the Duchy of Magdeburg, but Luckenwaldesche Kreis, which had been under the administration of the War and Domain Chamber since 1730, was half surrounded by the Mittelmark as an exclave. He therefore decided to place the western parts of the Zauchischer Kreis under the Duchy of Magdeburg, while the Luckenwaldescher Kreis became the Kurmark. The Immediate Royal Order to the Justice and Spiritual Department read:
"So Se Königl. Your Majesty in Prussia, our most gracious lord, have most highly noticed that various districts, towns and areas of the Churmark, especially the Zauchic district belonging to it, are located near the city of Magdeburg and in the duchy there; from here, however, are too far removed for proper supervision to be maintained, from which nothing but inconveniences, delays and disadvantages in the service have arisen so far. So most highly thought se. Royal Under these circumstances, and since the Luckenwald district is just as far from Magdeburg and the Churmark more closely located, resolved with grace that in order to remedy all errors for the future, and so that everything may be tractiret with more supervision and promtitude, the previously planned Luckenwald district from Trinity of the future year to the Churmark, and on the other hand the part of the Zauchischer Kreis, which lies beyond the so-called Bache near the Saxon village of Briesen including Gröningen and Wollin up to the Buckau, and where the areas named in the attached Specificatin sub A are to Duchy of Magdeburg relocated, and thus these districts in state and sovereign matters from the resp. Landes-Collegiis of the provinces, for which purpose these are to be respected. And, therefore, most Highly command the same Department of Justice and the Spiritual Department, afterwards, to arrange for the Judicial Collegia and Consistoria to do what is necessary, but to give up the same thing to respect the rights established in each province in their knowledge. Potsdam, September 8th, 1772 Friederich. "
The exchange of territory came into force on Trinity (= June 6th) 1773. In 1784 the Ziesarsche Kreis had 5769 inhabitants without the towns and without the military.
Separated from Zauchescher Kreis in 1773
In 1773 the areas mainly around Ziesar or the western parts of the Zauchescher Kreis and thus from the Kurmark were separated and incorporated into the Duchy of Magdeburg . For this purpose, the ducal-Magdeburg Luckenwaldesche Kreis came to the Kurmark . The Ziesar circle finally consisted of several small areas, most of which lay within the Jerichow circle . According to Büsching and Heineccius, the Ziesarsche Kreis consisted of the following towns, villages, farms, mills and individual houses:
- Leitzkau ( Leitzkow )
- Ziesar
- Schäferey before Ziesar , was in Ziesar in the Schopsdorfer Chaussee 1 area
- Paper mill at Ziesar , not mentioned by Heineccius, not identified
Flat land
- Alt Leitzkau (Althaus Leitzkau, Leitzkau old side), noble Vorwerk, windmill
- Bardelebenshof / Bardeleber Hof vor Ziesar , aristocratic Vorwerk, was close to Ziesar in the city, not yet identified
- Birkenreismühle / Berkenries Mühle , Mahlmühle, today living space in the Buckautal community
Log house / log houses , no longer exists, was west of Verlorenwasser ( )
- Böcke , village, district of the municipality of Wenzlow
- Borgens Hof vor Ziesar, noble Vorwerk, no longer exists, was in Ziesar, Fiener Weg, opposite the buildings Fiener Weg 9-10.
- Pramsdorf ( Bramsdorf ), village, in the Buckau district of the Buckautal community (Pramsdorfer Straße east of Buckau)
- Buckau / Buckow with mill , village and watermill with two gears, one cutting and one oil corridor, today part of the municipality Buckautal
- Bücknitz ( Bückenitz ), village watermill with a grinding mill, given in lease in 1740, today part of the town of Ziesar,
- Bückenitzsche Mühle (see above)
- Köpernitz ( Coepernitz / Cöpernitz ), village, two official ponds, an oil mill, now part of the town of Ziesar
- Krüssau , aristocratic Vorwerk, ( Crüssow / Crüßau ), mill pond and water mill with a grinding and an oil passage, today part of the town of Möckern
- Dahlen , aristocratic Vorwerk, today part of the municipality of Gräben
- Dretzen , colony, former administrative department, colony founded in 1763, sub-forestry department , today part of the municipality of Buckautal
- Egelinde , aristocratic Vorwerk, part of the municipality of Bad Belzig
- Ehlingsmühle / Egelingsmühle , 1842: Friedrichs Schneidemühle, water cutting mill, no longer exists, was located west of Verlorenwasser
- Eulenmühle ( Erlenmühle ), water mill with two grinding courses and one oil course, belonging to the Ziesar office, today the residential area of the town of Ziesar
- Friesdorfer paper mill , Amt Ziesar, residential area Friesdorf of the municipality of Wollin
- Glienecke , ( Glinicke ), village, to the Ziesar office, 6 subjects of the von Bardeleben on Bardelebenshof, part of the town of Ziesar
- Gottesfahrter paper mill / Gottesforther paper mill , paper mill with two gears, one Dutch corridor, Amt Ziesar, no longer exists, today the city of Genthin, district of Schopsdorf, Gottesforth 1–5
- Grabow , noble village with one of Plotho's outworks, water and oil mill, today part of the town of Möckern
- Grabow's forester's house , not mentioned by Heineccius
- Gräben / Gräbensche Mühle , aristocratic village with two manors , brick barn, watermill , cutting mill, community
- Grebs , Colony / Vorwerk Grebs , Amt Ziesar, municipality part of the city of Ziesar
- Groß Lubars / Groß Lübars , aristocratic village with manor, watermill, today Lübars district of the city of Möckern
- Grüningen / Groeningen , village, Ziesar office, part of the municipality of Wenzlow
- Gürgens Mühle / Jürgens Mühle , belonging to Pietzpuhl, watermill on the Ihle with a grinding and a fulling course,?
- Hansens Mühle / Hausens Mühle , noble watermill on the Ihle, with a grinding and a fulling course,?
- Helleholz or Sandforth / Helleholz , Unterförsterei , Amt Ziesar, no longer exists (was on the Geuenbach between Schopsdorf and Köpernitz, )
- Herrenmühle / Herrnmühle , watermill with four grinding courses, secondary toll, Ziesar office, part of the municipality of Ziesar
- Hobeck / Hohbeck , aristocratic village with manor and sheep farm, part of the town of Möckern
- Hohensprings Mühle / Hohenspringer paper mill , noble paper mill with two gears, today Hohenspringe , part of the municipality of Bad Belzig
- Kähnert / Köhnert , noble manor with sheep, district of the city of Möckern
- Klappermühle , noble water mill with a grinding and a walkway on the Ihle, on the Kähnertschen Feldmark, today Friedensau , part of the town of Möckern
- Klappermühle or Lochausche Mühle / Happermühle , noble watermill on the Ziprahne with a grinder near Lochow, today?
- Klein Lübars / Klein Lubars , aristocratic village with a manor, watermill , part of the town of Möckern
- Klitsche or Klitzke / Klitzke , aristocratic Vorwerk with sheep farm, no longer exists, today Altengrabow military training area
- Küsel / Kiesel , aristocratic village with a manor, desert watermill, part of the town of Möckern
- Ladeburg , aristocratic village with a windmill, part of the municipality of Gommern
- Lochow / Lochau , noble Vorwerk, fruit tree plantations, part of the town of Möckern
- Madel , noble farm with sheep farm, district of the city of Burg (near Magdeburg)
- Magdeburgisch Fort , village, watermill with one grinding and one cutting gear, Royal Landjägerei, Amt Ziesar, district Magdeburgerforth of the municipality of Möckern
- Neu Leitzkau, Neuhaus Leitzkau or Leitzkau Neuer Seite, aristocratic Vorwerk, near Leitzkau
- New paper mill , in the Königlichen Ziesarschen forest, on the brook of Gloina, paper mill with two aisles of the Ziesar office, north of Magdeburgerforth, K1212 (raw cardboard)
- New cutting mill , not mentioned in Heineccius,?
- Nonnenheide / Nonnenheyde , sub-forestry department of the Ziesar office, living space of the municipality of Görzke
- Paper mill in the Heide , not mentioned by Heineccius
- Pietzpuhl / Pießpuhl , aristocratic manor, today a place of the unified community Möser
- Polzuhn / Pottziehn , noble farm with sheep farm, today?
- Polzunsche mill , watermill with one gear, today?
- Puhs Schneide- und Mahlmühle / Pufsmühle , (1842: Puff or Lehmann Mühle), water mill with one grinding and one cutting aisle , Ziesar office, Puffs Mühle residential area in the municipality of Wollin
- Puhlmannsmühle (1842: Puhlmanns Schneidemühle), water mill with one grinding and one cutting aisle, Ziesar office, residential area Mühle Schöntal of the municipality of Görzke
- Räckendorf / Reckendorf (old and new) , two knights' seats, sheep farm belonging to Neu Reckendorf, part of the town of Möckern
- Raehsdorf / Rähsdorf , brick barn, potash distillery (Amt Ziesar), three mills nearby (unnamed fulling mill with two leather rollers, Pottmühle with two leather rollers, grinding mill with one gear, called the old dishes), part of the property of the Ziesar office, Reesdorf district of the Möckern community
Rosenkrug , paper mill with one aisle and tar distillery, Amt Ziesar, no longer exists, was located south of Schopsdorf about here ( )
Rothe Hauß , forester's house, no longer exists, was close to the Grünehaus residential area in the community of Gräben ( )
- Rottstock , Dorf, Karpfenteich (belongs to Görzke), Nebenzoll, Unterförsterei , Amt Ziesar, district of the community Gräben
- Schopsdorf / Schöbsdorf , Amt Ziesar, paper mill with two gears, brick barn, part of the city of Genthin
- Spulkrug / Spühlkrug , located near Räckendorf
- Stegelitz , aristocratic village, part of the city of Möckern
- Steinberg , Kolonistendorf, created in 1763 from the Amtsvorwerk, part of the Buckautal community
- Stresow , aristocratic village with a manor, brandy distillery, part of the town of Möckern
- Struwenberg and Krug / Struwenberg , aristocratic Vorwerk (not called Krug), Struvenberg , living space in the community of Gräben
- Pot mill / Pottmühle , near Räckendorf
- Lost water, watermill with one grinding and one cutting gear, part of the municipality in the city of Bad Belzig
- Wenzlow , Dorf, Amt Ziesar, watermill with two grinding courses, community
- Werbig , aristocratic village, part of the city of Bad Belzig
- Wogenhütten / Wagenhütte , east of Verlorenwasser
- Wolfshagen Mühle , near Burg (near Magdeburg), not mentioned by Heineccius
- Wollin , Amt Ziesar, municipality
- Ziegelsdorf , aristocratic manor with a sheep farm and brick barn, part of the town of Möckern
- Zitz / Zietz , Dorf, Amt Ziesar, some residents belong to aristocratic owners, part of the municipality of Rosenau
Büsching also mentions Golmenglin (district of the city of Zerbst / Anhalt ) ( Gollmengelin ), which is also said to have belonged to the Zauchescher Kreis and to have been given to the Ziesarschen Kreis. The place is not mentioned in the description of the district by Heineccius. It is certainly a mistake by Büsching. The place belonged to the Principality of Anhalt-Zerbst .
After the Congress of Vienna in 1816, the Ziesar District was merged with the Jerichow I district .
District administrators
- 1773 to 1779 Karl Moritz von Wangelin
- 1779 to 81 Hans Ernst Dietrich von Werder
- 1781 to 1787 Carl Ludwig von Bardeleben
- 1787 to 1816 Wilhelm Heinrich Ernst Arnim on theeßen
- Anton Friedrich Büsching: Mark Brandenburg and Duchy of Magdeburg; or Royal order of 1772 that the greater part of the Zauchian district of the Mittelmark should be placed in the Duchy of Magdeburg, while the Luckenwald district of the Duchy of Magdeburg should be placed in the Mittelmark. In: Magazine for the new history and geography. 7th volume, pp. 477–484, Johann Jacob Curt, Halle, 1773 Online at Google Books (hereinafter abbreviated to Büsching, Magazin, 7 with corresponding page number)
- Hanns Gringmuth: The organization of the authorities in the Duchy of Magdeburg - its development and integration into the Brandenburg-Prussian state. Dissertation at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 1934.
- Johann Ludwig Heineccius: Detailed topographical description of the Duchy of Magdeburg and the County of Mansfeld, Magdeburgische Antheils. 504 pp. Decker; Berlin; 1785 Online at Google Books (hereinafter abbreviated to Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg with corresponding page number)
- Rolf Straubel: Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officers AL. XIX, 604 pp., Saur, Munich; 2009 ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 (in the following abbreviated Straubel, Biographisches Handbuch, A – L, with corresponding page number)
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh Büsching, Magazin, 7, p. 480ff. Online at Google Books
- ^ Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 308 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c d e Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 309 online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 310 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 311 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c d Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 312 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c d Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 313 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c d Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 314 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 315 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 316 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 317 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c d Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 318 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c d Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 319 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 320 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 321 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c d Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 322 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c d e Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 323 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c d e Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 324 online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 325 Online at Google Books
- ^ Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 326 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b c Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 327 Online at Google Books
- ^ A b Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 328 Online at Google Books
- ^ Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 329 Online at Google Books
- ↑ a b Heineccius, Herzogthum Magdeburg, p. 330 Online at Google Books
- ↑ Straubel, Biographisches Handbuch, AL, p. 41 Preview on Google Books (in the biography of Christoph Friedrich Wilhelm Graf vom Hagen)
- ↑ Straubel, Biographisches Handbuch, AL, p. 41 Preview on Google Books