Maximilian Fuchs (philologist)

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Maximilian Fuchs , also Max Fuchs (born February 26, 1863 in Ostrowo , Province of Posen , Prussia , † September 2, 1942 in Ghetto Theresienstadt ) was a German teacher and Romance studies.


Max Fuchs worked as a senior teacher in Berlin. A dissertation with the title The Fable of the Crow, which adorns itself with strange feathers, considered in its various forms in the occidental literature from the year 1886 can probably be assigned to Maximilian Fuchs. Fuchs published a number of school textbooks for teaching French under the name Max Fuchs.

In 1901, Fuchs' daughter Mathilde was born in Berlin-Friedenau , who later married the artist David Friedmann . Maximilian Fuchs lived at Wielandstrasse 29 in Charlottenburg . After his son-in-law had to give up his studio on Xantener Straße, 16 paintings and other works of art were brought from there to the apartment in Wielandstraße, which Maximilian Fuchs lived in with his second wife Frieda. David Friedmann's brother Adolf was supposed to pass on further works of art and other property of the Friedmann family to the forwarding company Silberstein & Co., which was based on Kurfürstendamm . From there they were to be transported to Palestine . Both the objects at Silberstein and the works of art in Fuchs' apartment fell into the hands of the Gestapo .

Fuchs and his second wife Frieda were deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto on September 2, 1942 with Transport No. I / 57 and did not survive that day. In the death notice from the ghetto, which is in the National Archives in Prague , the coroner Silbermann stated that the "disease" was suicidium and the cause of death was cardiac paralysis. According to other sources, the professor was murdered in Theresienstadt.

His daughter and granddaughter also perished during the Third Reich .

Fonts (selection)

published mainly under the name Max Fuchs

  • (Ed.): Souvenirs de Jeunesse. Youth memories of excellent French . Leipzig: Freytag, 1915
  • Tableau de l'Histoire de la Litterature Francaise . Velhagen & Klasing: Bielefeld, 1914
  • Anthologie des prosateurs français. Manual of the French. Prose from the 17th century to the present day . 8th edition. Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1919
  • Questions contemporaines: Essais contemporary. french Writer. Selected u. declared M. Fuchs . Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1926
  • with P. Milléquant: Les poètes lyriques de la France: choix et commentaire . Frankfurt a. M.: Diesterweg, 1930
  • La France: sa terre, son peuple, son histoire. French cultural studies Reader Berlin: Herbig, 1931
  • Schwabacher's dictionary of foreign words. A reference work for all circles . Berlin: Schwabacher'sche, 1932


  • Freie Universität Berlin (ed.): Berlin's Memorial Book of the Jewish Victims of National Socialism . Edition Hentrich, Berlin 1995, p.?.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The fable of the crow that adorns itself with strange feathers
  2. a b Stolpersteine ​​Paderborner Straße 9
  3. Report by David Friedmann's second daughter on the losses during the Nazi era, p. 7 (PDF; 2.9 MB)
  4. Frieda Fuchs , at
  5. ^ Maximilian Fuchs , at Yad Vashem