Maximilien Joseph Moll

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Maximilien Joseph Moll (born October 14, 1813 in Cologne , † June 28, 1849 in Rothenfels an der Murg (today: Gaggenau -Bad Rotenfels)) was a watchmaker and revolutionary .


Joseph Moll was the son of the clerk Johann Christian Heinrich Franz Moll (* 1773) and Maria Elisabeth Aloiyse, geb. Buchmüller (* 1786). He had three brothers and a sister. After completing an apprenticeship as a watchmaker, Joseph Moll wandered through various European countries. On these trips he met numerous German workers' associations . In 1834, for example, he joined the secret society Junge Deutschland, which is based in Switzerland . In 1836 he became a member of the League of the Just in Paris before going to England in 1839, where he was one of the founding members of the German Workers' Education Association in 1840 . In 1846 he became a member of the central authority of the League of the Just and in 1847 he was elected in London to the central leadership of the League of Communists .

Like numerous other comrades-in-arms, Moll returned to Germany in the turmoil of the revolution in 1848 and 1849. In Cologne he worked in 1848 as the successor to Andreas Gottschalk as President of the Cologne Workers' Association and promoted the association's Marxist orientation. As a result of an arrest warrant for revolutionary activities during the September riots, Moll fled to London in October 1848 , but later returned illegally to Germany. There Moll took part in the Badisch-Palatinate uprising in May 1849 and fell as a result of the fighting on June 28, 1849 in a battle on the Murg .


The Mollstrasse in Berlin-Mitte , which was newly laid out in 1960 , was named after him.


  • N. Belousova: Joseph Moll . In: Marx and Engels and the first proletarian revolutionaries . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1965, pp. 42-75.
  • Karl Obermann : Moll, Joseph . In: History of the German labor movement. Biographical Lexicon . Dietz, Berlin 1970, pp. 477-478.
  • Gerhard Becker: Joseph Moll. Member of the central authority of the League of Communists and President of the Cologne Workers' Association. In: Helmut Bleiber u. a. (Ed.): Men of the Revolution of 1848 . Volume 2. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-05-000285-9 , pp. 53-84.