Maya Lasker-Wallfisch

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Marianne "Maya" Lasker-Wallfisch (* 1958 in London , married name Maya Jacobs Lasker-Wallfisch ) is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist and author .

life and work

Maya Lasker-Wallfisch and her brother Raphael Wallfisch were born into a family of musicians in London. Her parents, the pianist Peter Wallfisch and the cellist Anita Lasker-Wallfisch , both came from Wroclaw and had emigrated to Great Britain after the Second World War. The mother, Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, who was of Jewish-German origin, survived the Holocaust as a cellist in the girls' orchestra at Auschwitz . After arriving in England, she co-founded the English Chamber Orchestra . Maya Lasker-Wallfisch has a son and a granddaughter.

After initially working with children, Maya Lasker-Wallfisch became a psychoanalytic psychotherapist for adults, couples and families. Her focus is on the treatment of transgenerational trauma . She looks after patients in private practices in London and Berlin.

In her book Letters to Breslau , Maya Lasker-Wallfisch deals with the history of her family and the transgenerational transmission of trauma. She also used the letters to create a stage presentation as a staged reading with background music by composers such as Ernest Bloch , Max Bruch and Maurice Ravel .

Maya Lasker-Wallfisch gives lectures on the psychological and political consequences of the Nazi dictatorship and, together with her mother, campaigns against anti-Semitism and for a lively culture of remembrance at numerous commemorative events .

Maya Lasker-Wallfisch lives in London. She recently obtained German citizenship and is looking for an apartment in Berlin, she writes at the end of the letters to Breslau .


  • with Taylor Downing: letters to Breslau. My story over three generations. Translated from the English by Marieke Heimburger . Insel, Berlin 2020, ISBN 978-3-458-17847-7 ( reading sample ).
  • The Wounds of History. Reflections on Subjective and Clinical Practice. In: pm - perspective mediation. Issue 4, 2016.


On July 7, 2020 Maya Lasker-Wallfisch spoke with the journalist Sabine Bode in the Literaturhaus Munich , moderated by Elisabeth Ruge , about the history of three generations as reflected in the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century. The organizers were the Stiftung Literaturhaus and the NS Documentation Center in Munich .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Letter to Breslau - My Story across Three Generations on the Suhrkamp-Verlag website.
  2. Alexandra Senfft: Work on trauma. In: Friday . 16/2020.
  3. Malte Herwig: The Holocaust was never an issue in the family. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin . December 21, 2015.
  4. Letters to Breslau - My story over three generations on the website of the Suhrkamp publishing house.
  5. Susanna Keval: Commemoration of November 9, 1938: New forms of memory. In: Jewish community newspaper Frankfurt. 52 Volume, No. 4, December 2019, p. 9.
  6. Leticia Witte: The trauma of the second generation. In: Palatine Merkur . April 20, 2020
  7. ^ Letters to Breslau - My story over three generations ,, accessed on April 29, 2020